Tucker Carlson dedicated a segment to his Fox News show this Week to exposing the anti-white racism of Tiffany Cross, her panelists, and Elie Mystal. He claimed that white people become violent when they don’t get their way politically. We wrote about it here.
You would have known that Cross would clap back to Carlson on Saturday’s MSNBC show.
And sure enough,. . .
Cross started by showing a clip of Carlson defending Kanye West from charges that he was mentally ill. Cross suggested Carlson is insane!
“I wonder if Tucker doesn’t find Kanye to his liking, to have mental challenges, or maybe because it takes someone else with the same problems to understand him?”
Michael Steele, former chairman of the RNC and now member of the disgraced Lincoln Project agreed. Steele claimed Tucker’s defense against Kanye’s charges of being insane was “projection” by Carlson. Steele claimed that Tucker was speaking about himself because “that’s what we see Tucker.” That’s how a larger group of people see Tucker, i.e. as crazy.
Kanye is a few fries short a Happy Meal, according to me. I find his antisemitic comments repugnant. Cross tried to claim that this is the GOP’s front-runner. Herschel Walker, who himself has stated that he has many personalities, said so. This is the GOP, putting out those people.
Steele donned his protective-heroe cape and warned Carlson not to criticize the righteous “sister.” Cross.
“Brother,” he said, “You don’t have to go there.” He pointed out Cross [see screencap.]
Cross responded with amusing lack self-awareness. Cross pretended that she would take the high road, saying:
“Every insult doesn’t deserve a response and every fool doesn’t deserve my time, Michael.”
Tiffany, you started the segment by responding and calling Carlson crazy! Hello?
Carlson is not worthy of your time. You just gave a segment to him! Hello again!
Tiffany Cross, who claimed that Tucker Carlson doesn’t think Kanye West is crazy on her MSNBC show was sponsored by Subway, Chevrolet and Procter & Gamble. They also made Puffs.
Here’s the transcript.
Cross Connection
11:27 am EDT
TIFFANY Cross: They [Republicans] seem obsessed with people who aren’t coherent. Listen to someone who is very focused on me. Listen to what he has a lot to say about Kanye.
TUCKER CARLSON Don’t look at him! He’s a mental patient. He is a mental patient. There is nothing to see.
But is West crazy? We were not surprised to hear that. We have never heard a man speak so openly and so passionately about his beliefs. You can still judge for yourself.
CROSS: I mean I just wonder, Michael, why they’re elevating people such as this. I wonder if Tucker doesn’t consider Kanye to have mental challenges. Maybe it takes someone else with the same challenges to understand him.
Everyone else has already concluded that this person’s mental health is very serious in this country. He’s clearly problematic. This is the GOP’s choice of front-runner. Herschel Walker has stated that he has many personalities. This is the GOP, putting these people out, Your thoughts?
MICHAELSTEELE: You can look at it from many angles, but you should just see it straight. When you do, the clip you just played is a form projection. Tucker is talking about himself.
STEELE: This is how we see Tucker. This is how a larger group of people see Tucker. I don’t know if he will let you in on his thoughts about you, but you don’t have to. You don’t need to go there with this sibling.
CROSS: No insult is worthy of a response. Michael, every fool is not worthy of my time.