NBC’s Law and Order veered off its usual woke direction with an episode last night in which a leftist is scared of the cancel culture mob after uttering an antigay word privately. In the episode, a defense lawyer manipulates race issues to save his client.
The episode “12 Seconds” on Thursday features a student from a fictional law school who is found dead.
After the NYPD discovers evidence that Ezra Nichols, a black law professor, was being blackmailed by his victim, the prime suspect in the murder is Ezra Nichols (Charles Parnell).
Professor Nichols had made a derogatory slur regarding a gay man in private conversation with Michele (Hilary Ward).
After Nichols was elected over Nichols as Supreme Court Justice, Nichols told Nichols’ wife, “I guess even me I’m not diverse enough for the Supreme Court these days.” It’s not enough to be black. You have to be a f
James Pell, a law student, caught the slur on video.
Nichols, a well-known liberal lawyer, had “argued against voter suppression laws in Arizona” before the Supreme Court. Obviously, most Americans know that these are voter integrity laws and not suppression ones. But we continue.
Michele Nichols is the most likely murderer, according to evidence. Ezra Nichols, the husband of his wife, explains why he succumbed to the student’s blackmailing.
Nichols: Because deep down, I am ashamed of what you said. It’s not who you are. If I had heard that from another man, I would be the first to speak out and denounce his homophobia. I was terrified. I was aware of the significance of the tape, as well as the greed and ambition of that man who had it.
Defense Attorney: Could you please elaborate? Please tell us why you were so afraid.
Nichols: Because people–the press–want public figures to be criticized for making mistakes. There are no second chances. No matter how successful you are, one bad moment or one wrong word can end your career. It’s become a sport. Who will we cancel next? To protect my family and myself, I gave James Pell everything.
Recognizing that cancel culture has gone too far to destroy lives and that well-known liberals may harbor biases and say things they regret is a surprise in a show such as Law and Order.
Surprisingly, Nichols’ defense engages with a failed attempt to race-bait Frank Cosgrove (Jeffrey Donovan), one the detectives who investigated Pell’s murder.
Defense Attorney: How long have you been with New York City’s Police Department, Detective?
Cosgrove: 23.
Defense Attorney: How many times have your been called as a witness in criminal cases over the years?
Cosgrove: I-I don’t know the exact number.
Defense Attorney: Public records indicate that you were called as a witness in 208 cases.
Cosgrove: Really? How many?
Defense Attorney: In which cases was the defendant African American?
ADA Price: Objection, Relevance.
Defense Attorney: It is biased.
Judge: Judge overruled, but be cautious, Mr. Seaver. [Suspenseful music]
Cosgrove: I don’t keep track.
Defense Attorney: Perhaps you should. Over half of those cases ended in convictions. This is significantly higher than the statistical average. Did you know this?
Cosgrove: I don’t know exact numbers, as I said.
Defense Attorney: You should. It’s public record. It seems that every time a person of colour is in court, they always bring additional evidence.
Cosgrove: Aren’t you trying to tell me that I make things up? It’s not the way it works.
Defense Attorney: It’s not so, it’s just simple math. It all adds up to having a racially motivated axe to grind. It’s impossible to explain it any other way.
Cosgrove: I’m pretty certain there is, but I’m no sociologist. I’m a homicide detective. I look at the evidence and arrest bad guys, regardless of their race. That’s what it is. In this case, Michelle Nichols is the clear choice.
A black woman is a defense attorney.
Cosgrove: No. A murderer.
Defense Attorney: This man only arrests black people.
Objection. The defense is out of order.
Judge: Sustained.
Defense Attorney: No further questions.
This court scene would have looked very different a year ago. Cosgrove admitted to being insufficiently anti-racist and asked for forgiveness from the defense.
Detective Cosgrove, a Law and Order officer, is a straight-shooting officer and a decent person who has a positive working relationship. His defense attacks against him are manipulative and desperate.
It was revealed that Pell was killed by the Nichols’ teenage son to protect his parents. The parents were also covering for him. However, Cosgrove and his partner did solid job.
Television’s anti-cop hysteria, like the money BLM stole from it, has mostly stopped working as violent crime has increased across the country.
Although hatred of white men is still a popular theme on television, cops of all races are a good choice for crime shows.
It is clear that the democratic-fueled BLM-fueled psy-ops have failed to recognize the fact that Law and Order, a reliably left-wing TV show, portrayed a false accusation against a police officer of racism. Hollywood writers aren’t playing along.
It is still to be seen if Law and Order will offer new story angles like this in the future, or if it returns to its predictable left-wing pablum.