Elon Musk claims that Twitter’s board “deliberately”, withheld evidence from the court in its lawsuit against it.
Musk tweeted on Sunday night that the company and its legal staff had concealed significant evidence from court during proceedings that could have affected the platform’s value. After Musk completed the purchase, the lawsuit between Musk and Twitter was settled.
Musk tweeted “Wachtell & Twitter Board deliberately hid this evidence form the court,” including a screenshot from messages from a Twitter executive referencing fraudulent metrics.
He added, “Stay tuned …,”,” in the tweet.
NewsBusters reported in August that Musk stated he would close the deal if Twitter provided evidence to support the SEC’s assertion that there were actually more bot accounts on the platform.
“If Twitter provides their method for sampling 100 accounts and how they are confirmed to be real, then the deal should proceed under original terms. He stated that if their SEC filings prove to be materially false, it shouldn’t.
NewsBusters released a follow-up report detailing Twitter’s accusations that Musk had wrongfully delayed the deal. Musk’s legal team blamed Musk.
“Twitter offered Mr. Musk billions of dollars off the transaction price. Twitter tried to impose certain conditions on the deal that Mr. Musk refused to accept. Attorney Alex Spirol stated in a statement that any statement to the contrary was a lie.”
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