Three weeks remain before the midterm elections and The New York Times is shaming Democrats for not praising President Joe Biden’s inflationary record, which saw him print $1.9 trillion in government handouts.
“Democrats spent $2 trillion in order to save the economy,” New York Times reporter Jim Tankersley said in an Oct. 16 article on Biden’s “2021” economic rescue bill. Tankersley continued to rant: “Liberal activists are particularly disturbed that Democratic candidates aren’t focusing more on the payments for families.”
Why are they not talking about Biden’s handouts Tankersley says that Democrats don’t talk about the massive bill because Republicans complain too much about inflation.
“In part,” Tankersley claimed that Democrats don’t talk much about Biden’s $1.9 trillion “American Rescue Plan” because it has become fodder for Republicans who attack Democrats over rapidly rising costs, accusing them overstimulating and over-stimulating the economy with too many cash.
The left might be accused of “overstimulating” the economy with too many cash, but that could be true even according to Tankersley, who is employed by The New York Times. Tankersley acknowledged in his Oct. 16 article that Biden’s stimulus had aggravated inflation. “Economists generally agree the stimulus spending contributed towards accelerating inflation, although they disagree on how much,” [Emphasis added].
Biden’s stimulus package was also criticised by one of the top economists under former President Barack Obama for worsening inflation. Steven Rattner, MSNBC’s economic analyst and CEO of Willett Advisors LLC, criticized Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” for inflating inflation in an article published by the New York Times on November 20, 21. The headline read, “I warned Democrats about inflation.”
The New York Times claimed that Democrats were “confident” that they had solved an economy policy dilemma because they “were lending Americans money,” but that voters weren’t giving them credit.
Biden signed the “American Rescue Plan” legislation in May 2021. This added $1.9 trillion to the inflationary firestorm gripping America. Tankersley argued that the law was “initially considered Mr. Biden’s signature economic policy achievement.” Democrats hoped that they would “reward politically” for the stimulus checks.
Fast forward to roughly one year later and Americans still suffer from the highest inflation in 40-years. Even PBS’ leftists reported that eggs are 40 percent more expensive year-over-year, butter is 30 percent more expensive, and coffee is about 20 percent more costly than last year.
Recent polls show that voters don’t believe they have given in to political bribery. A Harvard/Harris poll found that “inflation”, which is the top issue for 37% of Americans, leads all other categories. A New York Times/Siena poll revealed that Republicans are getting an “edge” over Democrats because voters are concerned about the economy.
Conservatives are being attacked. Call The New York Times at 1-800-698-44637 to demand the truth about Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” and its devastating economic consequences.