Their liberal media allies have started panicking as they see more signs that Democrats will lose the midterms.
They’ve settled on a last-ditch messaging strategy to scare their viewers into voting Democrat. Telling them that if the GOP wins they will begin dismantling the democracy as they know.
In an interview with MSNBC, Jonathan Capehart, a terrified journalist, stated that President Joe Biden was “scared ….millions” by the GOP’s “attacks against democracy.”
Michael Beschloss, a NBC News historian, warned that “we could lose democracy” if the GOP wins. MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace questioned a Democratic congressman if foreign countries should send election observers to ward away any Republican chicanery. He replied, “Do you think it is time to ask friends and allies for help us monitor our elections?”
Christiane Amanpour, PBS’s director of election reform, warned that GOP efforts to reform the electoral system would lead “America into a fast lane to illiberal democracy.”
According to Chris Hayes, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, the GOP will “sabotage the economy” along the way to ending democracy.
This montage was created by Bill D’Agostino, NewsBusters Media Editor. It features liberal journos’ attempts at freaking out their viewers just before the midterms.
These are just a few examples of the liberal media’s last scare tactic to get their viewers to vote for leftist candidates.
Mr. President “I’m scared” of GOP’s “Election Deniers” Attacking “Democracy” and “Women”
“Mr. “Mr. I’m scared. Millions of Americans are afraid. They are worried about the coordinated attacks on democracy, voting, and how it will impact the midterm elections. We are seeing everything, from Governor DeSantis’ electoral police force making arrests for alleged voter fraud violations, to election workers fleeing because of threats. Then, there are the election deniers running for election. They could win a good portion of the election. Why should we be afraid ?… Can democracy survive when the Republican Party ….it cares only about power ?…?
MSNBC’s The Sunday Show host Jonathan Capehart addressed President Joe Biden on October 21st.
Should we allow foreign nations to monitor our elections?
“The threats to our election in – what, two-and-a-half weeks – are so pervasive, they’re dire, and they include violence. Do you think it’s time for friends and allies come over to help us monitor our elections? That was something we used to do in other threatened and burgeoning democracies.
— Jim Himes, Democratic congressman, is interviewed by host Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC’s Deadline: White House (October 24).
“Our Democracy” Could be Lost If the GOP Wins
“If you have something better to do in the next 17 days, great, but you will have to live with the possibility of losing our democracy in 17 days. Thank goodness we have a President who understands this.
— Michael Beschloss, NBC News presidential historian/PBS contributor, on MSNBC’s The ReidOut (October 21).
Republicans put “Party over Country”
“He [Virginia Republican Gov Glenn Youngkin] was specifically questioned by Garrett Haake about your criticism of Republicans that were campaigning alongside [Arizona gubernatorial Candidat] Kari Lake Many Republicans, which I would describe as sympathetic to what you’ve done, suddenly decided, hey party over nation. What do you think of these decisions?
On NBC’s Meet the Press, October 23, Chuck Todd, Moderator, speaks to Liz Cheney, Republican congresswoman.
GOP Will “Sabotage Economy” Economy If They Win the Midterms
“The Republicans have an explicit incentive ….to make the economy worse I feel confident in predicting the Republicans will do everything they can to undermine the economy to best position them to retake power in 2024.”
— Chris Hayes, host of MSNBC’s All In October 12.
GOP: Putting America “Into The Fast Lane” to “Illiberal Democracy”.
“If the North Carolina court case wins, the Republicans will be in a position to retain power regardless of the popular votes. I think anyone who maintains power without regard to the popular vote should be concerned. And I wonder if this places America in the fast lane to illiberal democracy. The same things are happening in Hungary, Poland, and elsewhere.
— Former attorney general Eric Holder to host Christiane Amanpour, as broadcast on PBS’s Amanpour and Company (October 11).
Republican Challenges to Elections Sound “Very Familiar to Nazis”
Joy Reid, Host: “We talk a lot about this, democracy on the ballot. It’s not just …. slogan. Donald Trump said that you already know where he will challenge the election. Philly. It’s a dog whistle ?….It is just fascism in open.”
Matthew Dowd, former ABC News political analyst: “I’m going to not say that, you know? The GOP are Nazis right now or whatever. But it sounds very familiar to what happened to Germany in which Adolf Hitler got a third of votes. Nobody thought it would happen there. They went along because he promised to fix the economy and fix inflation.”
— MSNBC’s The ReidOut October 24.
We need Obama to establish a “Democracy Hotline” in order to save America from the GOP
“We are seeing Republicans not only destroying democracy in darkness, but also breaking into election offices and plugging in stuff. We are watching them from debate and rally stages. That’s where they are doing it ….Does it require a democracy commission. Obama should ask Chris Christie or Ben Ginsberg to help him man a democracy hotline in the same way they helped with other crises.
— MSNBC’s Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace, October 10.
DeSantis cracks down on voter fraud = Cheating
Whoopi Goldberg, co-host: “Where is Ron DeSantis?” What are you doing? This is your problem! This is your problem! These people were set up to become part of the voter fraud scheme you keep searching for. These people are yours. What are you doing ?”….?
Joy Behar, co-host: “This is their current agenda, the Republican Party. They know they can’t win, and they won’t win because demographics change and the future isn’t Republican Party. So they have to cheat.
— ABC’s The View, October 19.
“Sad and depressing” that “people” don’t “understand” GOP is “Not going to help” them
“If you don’t have enough food, it’s very depressing. If you add gasoline to your car and inflation and rents, you will see that everything is getting more expensive …. One of these is the pandemic. Another is the war in Ukraine. It is absurd to believe that the other party will be able solve these problems. The Republican Party is happy to allow corporations to pay no tax for the rest their lives. They will reduce Social Security. They will cut lunches for children. They won’t help you! Why would you vote for them then? Yet, I can see that it’s very close. People don’t understand the stakes. It’s saddening and depressing.
Joy Behar, co-host on ABC’s The View October 18.
Republicans are causing Americans to think that “Democracy is in Peril”
“How do you feel about 300 Republican candidates appearing on the ballot in a matter of weeks? Some question the legitimacy of the previous election and others believe it should be overturned According to a New York Times poll, 71% of Americans believe democracy is in danger. How do you run for office in a society that is losing faith in their vote’s legitimacy or efficacy?
On CBS’s The Late Show, October 24, Stephen Colbert talks to Pete Buttigieg, Transportation Secretary.