Tucker Carlson interviewed the father and daughter duo who were punished after speaking out against transgendered females (translated: male pretending he is a woman) while changing in a women’s locker room with a high-school volleyball team on Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Travis Allen, formerly Randolph Union Middle School’s girl’s soccer coach, was fired for calling out Randolph High School’s (RHS), on social media, for allowing a male student with RHS’ women’s volleyball team while they were changing. Blake Allen’s daughter was present when the incident occurred and said that Allen’s presence made the girls feel uncomfortable.
Travis stated that Travis was not supported or protested by any other teachers at RUMS, which is a testimony to the scarcity of teachers with common sense in the public school system.
“None of my coworkers did.” Travis stated that Travis has been supported privately by other members of the community.
Blake, like her father was also punished for saying that a woman should not be allowed change with a man (a radical concept in today’s fluid world of gender identity) and her school suspended her. Blake was allowed to return to school after the Allens took legal action.
Blake stated that “I was really uncomfortable and I left.” “I was later suspended after I voiced my opinion that a man shouldn’t be allowed in the women’s locker rooms. They dropped the suspension after we filed the lawsuit.”
It’s not surprising that homeschooling has grown in popularity since the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read the full interview below.