e Ends (192) // (Steven Hayward)
* In a predictable turn of events, Gloria Allred, a radical feminist lawyer, has produced a woman who claims Herschel Walker drove them to an abortion clinic after she became pregnant. Given that Few people are more pro-abortion than Allred I don’t see her problem.
* Let me get this straight: The same people who have screamed for six years that Trump is literally Hitler and that a Republican win at the polls would usher in fascism, and entail the end to democracy, are now saying that the attack on Paul Pelosi was caused by divisive Republican rhetoric. This is a person who is clearly a paranoid schizophrenia. Evidently, Democrats and their media toadies have not learned from the shooting of Rep. Gaby Giffords.
Take a look at the Washington Post.
Nancy Pelosi’s husband is attacked after years of GOP demonizing her
Police say that a man with right-wing views broke into the House speaker’s home and shouted “Where’s Nancy?” before attacking Paul Pelosi with his hammer.
Republicans launched the “Fire Pelosi” project in 2010. It included a bus tour, a #FIREPELOSI hashtag, and images of Nancy Pelosi (D.Calif.), engulfed by Hades-style flames. The goal was to retake the House and depose Pelosi as Speaker.
Eleven years later House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R.Calif.) joked about how if he became the next leader of House, “it will not be easy not to hit” Pelosi using the speaker’s saw. . .
Many Democrats see the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband as the inevitable conclusion of Republicans’ increasingly violent rhetoric toward their political enemies. This phenomenon was magnified under former president Donald Trump who prided himself in his inflamatory oratory and who was reluctant to condemn white nationalists and other hate speech-spreading politicians.
“Sadly, this attack was inevitable. “Political violence is on the increase,” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D.Calif.), stated. “And instead of condemning it by the GOP leaders, they condone or glorify it with silence, or worse, glorification.”
Swalwell? Is he not the man who threatened to rain down nuclear weapons on American citizens who tried to defend themselves with guns and other weapons?
Paranoid schizophrenia is a common trait among Democrats, however.
To be clear, the Washington Post required three reporters in order to produce this by the-numbers propaganda piece.
* Feel good headlines of the day
A wind farm in western Germany is being demolished to make way for the expansion of an open-pit coal mine. This “paradoxical” situation highlights the current priority of energy security over clean energies in Europe’s largest economy.
RWE, the energy giant, has begun the dismantling at least one wind turbine from the wind farm near the German coal mine Garzweiler. . .
RWE also stated at the end September that three of its lignite fired coal units, which were previously on standby, would be returning to the electricity market in October according to schedule.
Guido Steffen, spokesperson for RWE, stated that the removal of wind turbines was done to make way for the expansion of a coal mine. Steffen said that this is how things stand.
I believe there will be many more of these “paradoxes” in energy production over the next decade.