a leaf footnote // (Scott Johnson).
here I wrote today about the Quinnipiac current poll of registered voters and adults. It was interesting to me, but I was curious as to why Quinnipiac has a poll of registered voters just a week before the midterm elections. Before posting my comments, I called both Tim Malloy, Quinnipiac’s poll analyst, and the executive named on the press release. Although the executive was not reachable, I was able leave a voicemail with Malloy. Malloy responded by text message.
Hi, you can send me questions in writing. We are very busy during the week leading up to the midterms.
Tim Malloy Quinnipiac Survey Analyst
Why are registered voters unlikely?
We are now traveling through another dimension ….. This is a signpost: your next stop is the Twilight Zone!
We fine-tune respondents to likely [voters] as we get closer to the election
When is that possible?
There is no set time, but generally after Labor Day when more people start to tune in to the elections.
We are one week away. “The time is now.” I don’t get it. Why don’t you give us likely voter results in your current poll instead? Instead of adults and registered voters?
Malloy left me hanging at 2:30 p.m. (Eastern) today. If I get an answer, I will update this blog.