ghts from the ammoline // (Scott Johnson).
Ammo Grrrll doesn’t lie for a living part duex. She writes:
Lordy, where do I begin? What about the idea that The View stated that “You know who else tried getting people riled up over inflation?” You Nazi parents trying to fill your tanks to drive to multiple locations looking for baby formula! Can anyone be so stupid? The minimum weight requirement for “talent” on The View is 240 lbs. A MAXIMUM IQ not greater than 30 percent of their body weight.
I often say that if my golf and bowling scores were reversed, I would be a professional in both of these sports. Similar to the above, if all the harridans from The View changed their weights or IQs, they would all be anorexic geniuses.
Lotte Lenya, an Austrian-German immigrant, was a guest at Jack Paar’s 60th birthday party. Her statement that inflation was so extreme in Germany between World Wars that companies paid workers in cash every hour made a profound impression on me. Workers then ran off with wheelbarrows full worthless currency to purchase any tangible goods to prove their labor. Lenya said that she once bought a small, green houseplant during her lunch hour to have something to point at.
As hardworking middle-class people witness the constant assault on their lifestyles with $40 pot roasts or $100 SUV fill-ups they might be tempted to express their horror at the situation. They are Nazis, which is the only plausible conclusion. They don’t realize that all they need is generic Raisin Bran. (Hey, meat-hating Warm Earthers, do you know who else is a vegetarian?) Hitler!)
We knew from our President that Ultra Mega Deplorable MAGAs was semi-Nazis. Has ANYBODY located the MAGA Country racist homophobes that tortured poor Jussie in Chicago ? Oh, wait, I remember now…the assailants went back to Africa? Jussie’s check was cleared before they left. Jussie fooled Robin Roberts and Kamala Harris, as well as professional hysteric Corey “Spartacus” Booker. None of them have ever admitted that it was a hoax, or apologized to whites or Republicans for the scurrilous allegations.
Now we have the homeless nudist addict hammer attacker from the “right-wing” in San Francisco. He allegedly visited two Q-Anon-style sites that appeared one morning and disappeared the next. Wow! They were so obvious fakes that they couldn’t even withstand a day’s inspection by professional debunkers. This comes on the heels of a “break in” in Arizona at the headquarters of the losing loser Democrat nominee for Governor, an embarrassing little time-server named Katie who won’t get into the ring with Scarikari Lake.
Oh Em Gee, you guys! In a field in rural Pennsylvania MAGA vandals must’ve torched a Fetterman Sign and then driven off like bats outta Hell. The sign was so badly burned that an on-site camera captured only the aftermath, but not the crime. It would seem that Fetterman’s name would be covered in ash. (Never mind that the unpunished arsonist mob burned the Third Police Precinct at Minneapolis to the ground. There are no updates on the dozens pregnancy crisis center and Catholic Church vandalisms.
It’s too late to “October surprises”, having jumped the gun on the historic, but shameful, leakage of the Supreme Court Decision Dobbs. (How is that investigation going? You might consider getting O.J. Have you ever thought of getting O.J.
Lies, lies and more lies as hasbeens such as Rob Reiner “weigh-in” (and I use this verb with caution) to blame Trump’s attack on Paul Pelosi. Amy Klobuchar agreed with that sentiment to complain that Nancy Pelosi was “villainized by Trump and his right-wing comrades. These insufferable hackers never HEAR? Donald J. Trump is the most “villainized” person on Planet Earth in my lifetime. RINOS, Democrats, and the craven media all blame conservatives for what almost certain is either a pervy assignment gone wrong or a psychotic breakdown caused by a Canadian alien who overstayed his visa. But it was only 20 years.
Is anyone else at this point? Your default response to almost all news is “that’s probably false”
Monkeypox is a disease that, according to initial reports, everyone had an equal chance of getting. Only 2 percent of the 28,000 U.S. monkeypox victims are women. According to CDC, even monogamous gay men have a low chance of contracting or spreading the disease. Why not zero, you ask? The CDC defines gay “monogamy,” as “maybe having one partner a month.” Wow! This means that your husband could have had flings and relationships with 660 women over 55 years of monogamous marriage. Max Cossack, a famous novelist, said to me that “THAT’S a kind of monogamy that many men could stand behind…so it is). This is not me. The CDC writer admits that Monkeypox only affects “a small percentage of gay men who have sex many many times.”
We are where we are as a society, when Joe Rogan, a wacky MMA fighter who is also a Podcaster, has more reliable information about COVID prevention than the medical establishment. An AMA or a CDC which utterly ignores “mothers” and refers only to women as “birthing persons” while nursing is called “chest-feeding” in order to not hurt the feelings of a few mental deficients in drag are who can trust?
Every few years, the lies about climate change become more evident as the “we only need x years before we all die” deadlines are always met. It doesn’t matter. They have just created a new deadline. Greta Thunberg is going to be screaming “How dare you!” “?” from a Swedish nursing home. An astonishing number of the gullible (and profiteers), will still be concerned about melting glaciers, disappearing ice and the head-smacking mystery that Arizona is hot in the summer. I will be long dead, thankfully. (No more lies! No more diets!)
Science has long abandoned the Scientific Method, critical thinking, and debate in favour of mandated consensus, and the censoring and censoring “disinformation.” I have a few Reacher books, including one by Lee Child. I have signed a document in FAVOR censorship. Krikey!
The President of the United States, Leader in the Free World, cannot be trusted to read a prepared sentence from a teleprompter. He is unable to find his way off the stage. Even the words he does manage to speak are often slurred and unfinished. The White House must have an expert in Wheel of Fortune. He takes the garbled consonants Joe whispered or yelled, buys a few vowels, and says, “I’d love to solve the puzzle now Mr. Sajak.” Then he attempts to “transcribe” it.
Now, we return to the Gigantic Lie Du Jour. Official version: Paul was asleep in his bed at home and the homeless psycho walks from Berkeley towards Paul’s house at 2:00 AM. He broke a window in a locked door, which triggered no response from their security system. He finds Paul’s bedroom in a large, dark house. After asking “Where is Nancy?” and explaining his genius Kneecapping Plan to him, the psycho allows Paul to use the bathroom. My experience shows that most home invaders schedule regular bathroom breaks for their victims.
Paul clearly didn’t just think to lock the bathroom door. His phone was charging so he called the cops, who arrived in less than two minutes. SOMEBODY let them into the bathroom – either a third person or Jesus. The cops sat by as DePape and Paul fought over the hammer. DePape, 82-year-old Paul, was defeated and beat brutally by the cops. Imagine the panicked discussion about how to spin this absurd set of “facts.” Are there any Democrat “handlers” who have dealt with Chappaquiddick’s case?
“Well, let’s just say that the weirdo was a MAGA man.” “I know a …” “Wait! Where’s the third guy?” What is he doing? “What’s the third guy?” “We have to get rid of him immediately.” The cops who claimed that were false were delusional and couldn’t count to three.”
“Did Paul or DePape, with one handed each on the hammer and one hand on the door, answer the door?” “Nobody answered.” We will affirm that, and who will question that – the media? Hahahaha.”
“Ha! Are you kidding? Are you kidding? ALL OF ‘EM. Someone call Cher, Rob and Joy Reid. Alert Kinzinger and Cheney, Klobuchar and Jen Rubin The DNC has said that the Republicans should abandon their campaign and be ashamed. This will all work out great.
The Democrats are facing a very difficult landing on Tuesday. Put your tray tables aside and lock your seats. Be ready for impact. Pray from now on.