ory doesn’t repeat itself. . . // (Steven Hayward)
. . . But it rhymes, goes Mark Twain’s apocryphal saying. This was what I thought of when I saw David Brooks’s hilarious and unintentionally funny column in yesterday’s New York Times
It reminds me of Hillary in 2016 asking: “How come my score is not 50 points better than Donald Trump?”
The angst expressed by liberals on Tuesday about how they will unfairly be creamed brought back memories of a classic SNL skit in 1988, where “Michael Dukakis” said, of George H.W. Bush: “I can’t believe that I’m losing this guy.” The reminder from Willie Horton should bring to mind a classic SNL skit from 1988 in which “Michael Dukakis” says, of George H.W. Current Democratic Party policy is putting hundreds more Willie Hortons on the streets.