Occam’s Razor Election // Steven Hayward
Let’s go back to March 2020. This was when Joe Biden, who had failed in all of the primaries, was finally embraced by the Democratic establishment. They were able to get Biden to the top in South Carolina’s primary and persuaded many other candidates to endorse him. This was because it seemed that Bernie Sanders might win the Democratic nomination. But, Bernie was a certain loser to Trump, COVID and not.
Good ol’ Joe was as familiar as a shoe and a moderate who promised to be less divisive that the Bad Orange Man.
We got the Bernie Sanders Administration. Biden gave policy completely to the progressives, who are hollowing out Democratic Party. Biden could be a simple, senile doddering fool. But he insists upon rank demagoguery every chance he gets.
Social scientists refer to this as “pattern recognition”, an updated version of Occam’s Razor. We have now had three Democratic presidents in succession, starting with Clinton in 1992, Obama in 2008, and Biden 2020. All three were moderates who lurched sharply to the left once they were in office. In other words, Democratic presidential candidate lie to us over and over again and then voters issue a temporary restraining order at every opportunity. It’s almost as if voters need to be reminded every ten years how awful Democrats can be. “Swing voters,” wise up.
Here’s how Andrew Sullivan, Democrat-leaning, describes the scene in his latest Substack entry.
In 2020, I hoped that Biden would be able to capture the middle and isolate the far right, after a clear but modest win. The opportunity beckoned more after the horrors of January 6.
Yet, Biden immediately tossed it away. Biden effectively said that we should get lost in return for moderates and centrists’ support. Biden championed the whole far-left agenda. He supported the largest expansion of government since LBJ; a huge stimulus that, during a period of supply constraints fueled durable inflation; a new welfare stimulus was also planned. Record rates for mass migration and no end in sight; a policy with almost no legal restrictions on abortion (with public funding too!). The replacement of biological sex by postmodern “genders”, the imposition of critical queer theory and high school science classes, as well as plans to regulate media “disinformation”, fast-track sexchanges for minors, and next-to-no due processes in college sex harassment proceedings. Even the most popular policy with the center, the infrastructure bill, was immediately conditioned on an attempt at massively expanding the welfare state. What in this agenda was there to benefit anyone at the center?
You can also find this little bit:
This morning was written by David Brooks
The Democrats have made great efforts to win back working-class voters, as well as white and black voters who have drifted leftward over the years.
Which planet is he on?
Another stray tip. Colin Cowherd is a popular YouTube sports analyst, but he claims he leans left on politics. He tweets this, which is in line with my ” desperate Housewives Election” theme.