night of coal: The light of KJP // Scott Johnson
All of us ” KJP immediately given a written statement asserting in relevant portion: ” The President’s feedback yesterday have been twisted to be able to suggest a meaning that has not been intended; he regrets that if anyone hearing these feedback took offense. ”
Speaking of twisted, I would like to add KJP’ s feedback at yesterday’ s Whitened House press briefing last night (transcript here ). A great enterprising reporter asked a matter following up on the statement: ” We don’t often get a really lengthy Saturday statement of your mouth clarifying the President’s feedback from the day prior. Could you walk through what the genesis of that was and if you guys thought that, maybe, it would be politically problematic got those statements been in order to stand? ”
KJP’s answer is “is really a It combines the particular
Jean-Pierre on the White Residence walking back Biden’ t comments about shutting lower coal plants: ” It absolutely was loud and hard to notice, I think, or maybe not, just what was being said. ” pic. facebook. com/oRHGYWNPex
— Washington Free Bright Spot (@FreeBeacon November 7, 2022