tion Night Tips and Media Options // Steven Hayward
The Mathias Corvinus Collegium election watch party got off to a great start with a keynote speech about the American political landscape, and the history of midterm elections. Standing room was scarce as there were more than 200 motivated conservative students in the crowd at the Scruton Cafe, which anchors the main MCC campus. It was great food and drink, but it is getting late and I have to go.
In the meantime, once vote counts begin in a few hours I’d stick to Henry Olsen’s Twitter feed. This will be a much better source of race-by-race information than any TV news channel.
John Yoo will also be recording the Three Whisky Happy Hour at 9 p.m. Eastern (6 p.m. Pacific) (since I’m asleep at that time and can’t do it myself). To tune in live and ask questions or comment to John and Lucretia, you must be a Ricochet Member. It is easy to become a Ricochet member for a low price. There are even free trial subscriptions. I will post the audio here tomorrow morning, but it could be overtaken if the actual vote counts occur.
Here are some scenes from the evening: