‘s how much campaign money Beto O’Rourke spent on losing races across the country //
Former Rep. Beto, D.Texas, spent $175 million on unsuccessful campaigns for a number of offices over just four years.
O’Rourke, who represented an El Paso congressional district between 2013 and 2019, lost his most recent bid to higher office to the incumbent Gov. The Fox News Decision Desk predicted that Greg Abbott, R.Texas, would win by a substantial margin. O’Rourke’s third failed bid for Texas governor marks O’Rourke’s third unsuccessful attempt for a high-profile office since 2018.
Due to his low polling numbers, the former congressman was defeated by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), in a race to unseat him. He resigned from the 2020 presidential race in November 2019, before the Democratic primaries began.
“With each race he loses, it becomes harder to convince voters and persuade people that he can still win next race,” Sharon Navarro, a University of Texas at San Antonio political scientist, told The Texas Tribune Tuesday evening.
“That’s a very difficult obstacle to overcome for a third-time loss.”
O’Rourke lost three races in three consecutive elections cycles. However, he has raised massive, sometimes record-breaking campaign contributions.
According to Federal Election Commission data, O’Rourke’s Senate campaign raised $80.3 million in 2018. This record-breaking $38.1 million quarterly haul was raised between July 2018 & September 2018.
O’Rourke also raised $18.6 millions during his short-lived presidential campaign, which lasted just seven months.
The Texas Tribune reported that O’Rourke broke more records during the 2022 gubernatorial election, bringing in more than $76 millions in the year since he announced that he would run for the seat. His campaign raised $27.6 millions between February and June, which was the largest quarterly figure in Texas.
Glen Greenwald, a political commentator, tweeted Tuesday: “It’s incredible how much money Democratic voters waste wasting on social media stars for clearly unwinnable races. Doing nothing but enriching Dem consultants.” “$75m for Beto. $70m on Demings. $11m on MTG’s opponent (someone called Marcus Flowers).
He said, “At least Dem consultants have new boats.”
Despite his defeats, O’Rourke beat Cruz and Abbott to raise Cruz’s money in 2018.
O’Rourke’s campaign didn’t immediately respond to a question about whether Texas Democrat O’Rourke intended to run for political office again.