ghts from the ammoline // (Scott Johnson).
Ammo Grrll has some thoughts ABOUT LAST TUEDAY…She writes:
Good night, everyone. John Fetterman has won Pennsylvania. The voting machines and ballot printers didn’t “work” in Arizona. However, I believe they worked exactly as they were intended. A judge ruled against the extension of the polls’ opening hours to three hours or the possibility of hand-counting ballots. Awesome. The person responsible for this mess was running for a higher office. Suh-weet! This sums up the country’s current situation in 2022. Evidently, the tsunami that was predicted did not happen.
The electorate has suffered a decade of terrible miseducation in government schools. Biden, a toxic, corrupt and senile Tarbaby of disaster, was urged to keep his distance from anyone who wanted to have a chance at Hades of victory. The polls were breaking our way right until they didn’t. Did the polls have a purpose? To make us feel confident? We don’t know. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s inspiring and prophetic words: “What difference does that make?”
Although I don’t want to use a Carter-era term, I feel a heavy sense that there is “malaise” out in the world. It is as if we are being asked to sweep the Augean Stables using a whisk broom. Democrats were forced to run on toxic mixture of fear-mongering and platitudes. They couldn’t run on their openly anti-American, racist and treasury-draining, bribery programs, or any “accomplishments”.
It was all hair-on fire rhetoric all the way. Three unattractive individuals were featured in Arizona’s popular ads. They had their names and the “Lifelong Republican” beneath their faces. The story was: “I’m a lifetime Republican, but I’m voting to Katie Hobbs because Kari lake is just too extreme. Her Extreme Extremism will mean she will end Social Security — a great trick for a governor of a state! — ban all abortions and birth control, and bring back chastitybelts and those bonnets from The Handmaid’s Tale .” The voiceover then screams, “Our RIGHTS!” Our rights to ‘Reproductive freedom’ have been removed! !”
The right to kill your baby is legal for 50 years. It’s true. The Roe V. Wade was originally intended for the first three months. The next three months were for medical reasons. After that, it was banned. It has only gotten worse. You could still dispose of your baby until three minutes after labor pains, and for any reason, before the Dobbs ruling.
It’s terrible when a RIGHT that you used to have is taken away after only 50 million dead babies and half a century. What was the other right that was prized by many? The right to own human beings and chattel property! Slavery was a right for 250 years, goshdarnit! In January 1863, the “racist” Republican Abraham Lincoln took away this right! Boohoohoo.
Boy Howdy, the Democrats were very upset with the unfettered rights to kill babies. It’s possible that it will be modified a little when it’s returned to the USA! Here’s a suggestion for how to preserve “the rights to control [your] bodies,” ladies. Why not, I don’t know, control you own bodies? Or at the very least, have access to your own body. Perhaps you should not have unprotected sex if you don’t want a baby with them. Particularly strangers.
I strongly oppose the right to own slaves. I feel the exact same about the right of babies to be killed. By the way, it was also a RIGHT to not pay Federal income taxes up until October 1913. Yes, I still get upset about it, sometimes shrieking into space like the unhinged loon from the popular meme.
I was certain that our quality life would be on the ballot. The right to ride in a subway car, and not on the third. The right to purchase groceries and fuel for your car. The right to not have illustrated how-to fellatio manuals forced on kindergartners. But it seems that too many Americans are content with all of this.
I thought we had reached the limit of insanity, and that the country would need a fresh start. A friend from Southern Indiana – Southern Indiana! – Had a child whose classroom was made to include a litterbox because a mentally ill child was “identified” as a cat.
Today is Veterans Day – God Bless all our vets! The Americans realized that the U.S. was not prepared to fight anyone, except perhaps the soccer hooligans in Britain, after abandoning Afghanistan and raiding the Strategic Petroleum Reserves.
Milleys and other woke men have thrown out another ridiculous platitude: “The military should look like America.” It should not “look like America.” The army isn’t just another woke corporation. It is a fighting force.
America has millions of unfit fatties, and geezers. We don’t have any unfit fatties and geezers in our military, at least not within the ranks. The U.S. military should consist of young, smart, tough, fit, young, competent warriors of all sexes who can pass each rigorous test and get the grade. You can’t become a Ranger or Seal if you don’t meet physical requirements. Period. “Equity” doesn’t go ’round here.
These warriors must be able read maps and operate sophisticated equipment. They should be able adapt, improvise, and overcome. They should not be me. The un-me is actually better!
True, America looks like me – short, overweight, lost without glasses and sometimes forgetful. But the military should look exactly the opposite. It won’t hurt me at all. It should also not include men in dresses who are participating in the free sexchange operation. Seriously, is the leadership being stupid?
We must clear out the asylum one corrupt lunatic at time. Tuesday was a disappointing and small start. It wasn’t the decisive step towards sanity that we had hoped for. “A journey of a thousand kilometres begins with one step.” (To which my five year old replied, “If I had 1000 miles to cover, I would take a plane.” There is still much to do. We are now demoralized, but we have no choice. It’s either continue fighting or “love Big Brother”. We have two years to learn about Valley Forge and to find the courage to follow its example.