t like) Brian Wilson // Scott Johnson
We interrupt our short series on contemporary folk music to present “Brian Wilson” from Steven Page, former front man of Barenaked Ladies. Page is touring with his trio, guitarist Craig Northey, and cellist Kevin Fox. They made their American debut last night before a packed house at the Dakota in Minneapolis. I took the photo of Page, who was right in front of me at Table 150. However, it was too close to get a wider shot of the trio.
Page plays the piano and acoustic guitar. I found the instrumental and vocal backing to be incredibly beautiful. Each song was great. Page is a brilliant and articulate songwriter, with what seems to be perfect pop songcraft. There were no lulls and lowlights throughout the two-hour show. The pace was relentless. Page was in peak form.
They opened the show with “It’s All Been Done,” “New Shore,” “Jane,” “Alternate Girlfriend,” “Golden Age,” “Gravity,” and “Good Boy.” I believe “Brian Wilson” (below), was the last number before the encores. The tour continues with stops at Madison, Milwaukee, St. Louis and a few other stops .
We stayed on the set and had a great conversation with Kevin Fox. He was so kind and generous. We wanted to tell him how much we enjoyed the show. He wanted to tell us how much he enjoyed playing alongside Page.
Page, like Brian Wilson, has had his share of demons over the course of his career. It is evident in Page’s tribute to him. I wanted to give interested readers an idea about the sound of the trio. Although Page sounds better than in the video below, this gives you an idea of what he has to offer.