t “Deniers” // (John Hinderaker).
It all began with Holocaust deniers. This phrase is used to refer to someone who denies the Holocaust ever took place.
Liberals saw potential in the locution. They could disqualify their opponents without actually making an argument. They began to label people “climate deniers” as a way to disqualify their opponents without actually making an argument. Who denies that there is a climate? There is none. Who denies that the climate is changing? There is none. No. A “climate denier” refers to anyone who questions any of the many theories liberals have compiled to justify destroying our standard of living without good reason.
But, hey, they are “deniers”, just like Holocaust deniers. So all argument is over.
Liberals must have believed that strategy worked because we now have “election denier” (or, as one might ask, what is an election denier?). Who denies that elections exist? No. A election denier is someone who fears that elections might not be on the up-and/up. Of course, this is not a Democrat. Since George H.W. Bush, every Republican president has been denied legitimacy by Democrats. Bush, and many others. Cf. Stacey Abrams. But this is a different story.
It is a fact that elections do not always go according to plan, as Democrats have repeatedly claimed. If a Republican makes such an observation, he is a “denier”, just like the Iranian mullahs.
Is the crude strategy of the Democrats working? I don’t believe so. Despite the Dems’ propaganda blizzard Americans are still concerned about the integrity and fairness of our elections. Rasmussen’s latest survey documents this point:
Most voters believe that cheating may have affected this year’s election and that voting by mail makes it easier for cheaters.
Rasmussen Reports’ latest online and telephone survey found that 57% of Likely U.S. voter believe that cheating could affect the outcome of some elections in this year’s election. This includes 30% who think it’s Very Likely. 40% don’t believe that cheating will affect the outcome of this year’s elections, while 18% say it’s not at all likely. …
…Fifty-six per cent (56%) of voters think it’s important to ensure there’s no cheating in elections, and 41% believe it’s important to make it easier to vote.
If you consider yourself an “election denier”, you are part the majority. Every poll shows that Americans want fair elections. 70% to 75% of Americans want voter identification requirements, which Democrats have tried to make illegal. This makes me wonder who the “election denier” really is. Who wants transparent, verified elections? Or who wants to open the doors to wholesale fraud?