y, We Knew Ye Too Damn Well // (John Hinderaker)
Is Nancy Pelosi really the Democrats’ House leader for only twenty years? It feels like it has been longer than that. It’s a relief that we won’t be exposed to Ms. Pelosi, despite how disappointing this year was. Her successor will likely be an out radical rather than a camouflaged one. That could be a good thing.
Others will offer more nuanced commentary on politics, but it seems to me that Nancy leaves a double legacy. First, she pioneered the secret drafting of 1,000-page bills and then voting on them 24 hours later. This was a remarkable feat of liberal commentariat. It will be interesting for the Republicans to do the same. It will be scandalous if they do.
Second, Pelosi has a genius stock trader. Pelosi has taken insider trading to a new level and created a nine-figure net wealth. It is legal if you are Speaker of the House.
Nancy, it’s time to say goodbye. Good riddance.