US Politics

ghts from the ammoline // (Scott Johnson).

Ammo Grrrll recommends LET’S GET a GRIP! She writes:

Although long-married couples may theologically be “one,” any Marriage Counselor will tell them that they are two very different individuals. We have been talking about the latest election for more than a week, as Max Cossack, a famous novelist, and I, a hard-core political junkie.

Although I am the Columnist-of-Record and will be writing in the first individual, the thoughts contained herein are a distillation from our thoughts. In this case, my husband provided most of the research. Comedy World considers it a sin to not give credit where credit is due. This is a joint column that will only be available once in a lifetime. These are my thoughts.

Conservatives pride themselves in their commitment to reason. Too many conservatives are prone to hysteria and a lot of shamefully ungrateful blame-shifting.

Hysteria is something I have never liked. Although Roseville Baker’s Square did sell Sour Cream Raisin Pie once, who can blame me? Not the doughnut-loving SWAT Team cops that were eventually called. Haha, I kid. My favorite place to begin when analyzing any situation is with facts. Ronald Reagan said, inadvertently, “facts can be stupid things.” John Adams meant to say that facts are “stupendous things.” Analyzing the results of the 2022 midterm election, it is clear that the facts are not enough to justify the level of hyperbole.

On November 10, the Republican House candidates had received 50,113,534 votes or 52.3 percent of vote. The Democrats had won 44.251,768, or 46.2 percentage. (Updated mileage may vary slightly.)

Max Cossack, the famous novelist, not only did the research but also did the math. You didn’t think it would be me, did you? It tells me that Republicans lead by 6.1 percent. This is higher than their average in pre-election national polls. This is the source of the “red waves” prediction. RealClearPolitics’ average showed Republicans up by 2.5%.

If the 6 percent advantage in the 2024 presidential elections holds, the 52.3 percent-to-46.2 percent outcome for the Republican candidate should be a dream come true. This would be my sixth win in my pathetic Presidential election record. Perhaps I was less distraught than others because I am so used to losing. Yet, the sun rose in East and life continued…

Because I was an idiot left-wing Democrat voter during THE GOOD Republican years (two Nixon wins and two Reagan wins and Bush the Elder’s victory), and have chosen NOW – the Very Bad Democrat Socialist Obama Years – to be a Conservative, I have always been “running for the wind,” to quote Bob Seger. And voting against the “win.”

Despite all the finger-pointing, gnashing of teeth and finger-pointing, the voters won. They did better than expected. The failure of the Republican Party to convert this 6 percent advantage into a decisive control of House is due to the people who ran the Republican congressional elections. They are to blame if anyone is to blame. They made a mistake. They also abandoned Arizona to throw money after Murkowski.

Trump’s failures are used by those who point to him as a pretext for dumping on him, and sometimes to cover up their own mistakes. Some people have hated Trump for years and are waiting to make a mob of him. Some of them should look at their own states and find ways to do the same as Republicans in Florida.

Hey Trump critics, I know many of you, especially our Power Line hosts, have worked tirelessly in Republican vineyards for many years. For those who hate Trump, how many doors did they knock on? How much money have you donated? How many rallies were you able to organize that were as large as Trump’s?

The important lesson is to “put your faith in princes”. If they fail, you can then rip limbs from limb. We will need all hands to help us move forward. We will need to do a lot less sniping if things don’t go as planned. The circular firing squad can get tedious. Particularly when the Democrats march in lockstep with North Korean soldiers during a parade to celebrate Kim Il Sung’s birthday.

Florida’s results show that the “locust effect” is not a reality. Voters who fled New York didn’t bring with them their destructive progressive politics. They voted Republican instead. The Jews voted Republican 33 percent this election, even though they are slow learners for generally intelligent people …). Yes, 67 percent are still stuck in idiocy. But if we could free 33 percent of the Democrats’ African American voting bloc, we’d win every election.

I am a MAGA Grrrll about the ISSUES. I admire Donald Trump and his work, but I’m not a “cult worshiper”, as he is often accused in diatribes. His recent bizarre shots at DeSantis are a puzzlement to me.

My GRATITUDE to him is unrestricted. We would be in the middle of the Hillary-Kaine doubleheader without Donald Trump. There are three more ultra-leftist Supreme Court justices — who were most likely chosen for Youth and Equity, rather than devotion to Constitution. We dodged that bullet thanks the all-too-human phenom Donald J. Trump.

We have finally achieved a tiny, tiny majority in the House. It was so fun to see Biden, our Speaker, sitting behind Biden during the State of the Union address. He might be able to roll his eyes, wiggle his ears, and tear up at the end in grand Pelosi tradition.

Oh, one more glass from the lemons. Since Biden doesn’t believe it was repudiation and he intends nothing to change, it will be harder for the few remaining sane Democrats in 2024 to dislodge him and keep Dr. Jill out of the White House door. Many people suggested that Fetterman could be his running-mate in 2024. This is not a joke. Suits me. Two white men with room temperature intelligences. This is a room with no insulation and the heat off in Minnesota. One has Alzheimer’s disease, the other has brain damage from a stroke.

Yet, 40 percent of the electorate will still go to the polls to vote. This is the core problem. The fundamental problem is that the Founding Fathers might not have known how small the gene pool would be. Let’s just have a cup of coffee and stick with the Crown.

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