out and about at COP27: Strange new Respect Edition // (Scott Johnson).
” Global warming” was decried as the cause of the end of the world until relatively recently. It is now ” climate change, ” apparently because the data rejected to comply. The UN’ s latest ” environment change” jamboree was organised in Sharm el-Sheikh the other day and produced what I considered was a widely heralded arrangement to transfer funds coming from productive countries to useless countries. This is, of course, toward the end of the apocalypse. Where will be the Jonathan Swift who will issue these people to the ridicule they will so richly deserve?
Semafor is the latest I take it being a good sign that Semafor’ s Tom Chivers information in its Flagship edition today: ” COP27 reaches bad-tempered end. ” That’s h Woo hoo!
Chivers information (bolding in original):
Typically the COP27 conference agreed of which rich nations will pay not as good ones compensation for the destruction caused by climate change. That was seen as a cutting-edge, but many nations were still left aggravated by the lack of progress on cutting carbon exhausts. After host Egypt refused to allow discussions on phasing out fossil fuels in their country, the summit was near to More fights await: Not necessarily least over whether Tiongkok, now the biggest greenhouse fuel emitter, contributes to the finance.
It’s possible that it’s a good or bad news situation. I have to point out, however , I see Egypt in what the New York Times would certainly call ” strange fresh respect. ”