ght for the Day // The New “New Right”, // (Steven Hayward).
It seems that there has been a “new” right in my life. “New right” has been around since at least the 1950s, and the “new right”, of the 1970s, looks very old today. As we often mention here, the new “new right”, today, is “national conservatism”.
Today, we live in a new age of conservative discontent. The national conservatives are defending the status quo of woke progressivism in government and business, education, culture, media, and military. Many of them also dismiss the conservatism of Buckley & Co., Ronald Reagan, and their legacy of journals and think tanks as well as policy doctrines that made Washington a settled establishment in the 2000s and 2010.
They believed that the establishment was complicit with progressivism’s political ascent. American conservatism became too attached to libertarian individualism and unfettered trade as ends in itself. This helped to set the stage for cultural corruption, the decline and destruction of family and community, and the rise and fall of global corporations and institutions that decimated America’s heartland.
If you subscribe to the WSJ, you can read the entire article.