playbook for the laptop // (Scott Johnson).
Matt Taibbi’s March video was created by Matt Ofalea. Taibbi re-visits the video in his TK News/Substack article “YouTube Clensures Reality, Boosts Misinformation: Part 1” Subhead : “[Orfalea] did a remarkable job back in March, compiling clips from people who went on air and declared the laptop ‘a lie’, ‘altered, fake’ and ‘pure distractions’ and, of course, RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION’
Taibbi revisits the video below in connection to the CBS News story that we have been hammering. Two years later, CBS News declared the Hunter Biden laptop as the New York Post reported. Orfalea’s masterly compilation of video clips is illustrative for the Democrat/Deep State/Garbage Media alliance that we and others have seen many times before. But the video is a work-of-art.
Only a scroll of credits is missing from the video. As we enter what will be for some a long holiday weekend, I would like to invite readers to identify all the talking heads appearing in the video and send the list to me at [email protected]. We might be able to give credit where credit is due. They put in a remarkable performance.
Taibbi has a link to his November 18 post “Electoral Denial” for Me but Not for Thee. Subhead : “Matt Orfalea did not lie, alter clips or remove key context. He made edits that were true to reality and was just given a strike. Welcome to post-Trump America where truth is a censorable offense.” David Strom discusses Taibbi’s larger points within the excellent Hot Air post “YouTube purveyors of disinformation.”