dom // (Scott Johnson).
The major stories of the last few days share a common theme:
* Protests against China’s insane Covid regime broke out all over China. I followed them on Twitter (as shown in the tweet below).
People of Beijing are protesting near Sitong Bridge, shouting: “We want freedom, we want freedom!”
— Xiyue Zhang (@XiyueWang9) November 28, 20,22
* However, traditional news outlets in China can be used in this context. The Reuters story is dated Shanghai/Beijing. “China tightens its security after rare protests to COVID curbs.” The Wall Street Journal reports Beijing. The New York Post editors add “Fury over China’s insane, endless COVID locks exposes the idiocy and leadership of President Xi.”
* These are evil sumbitches who run China’s show. They want to create a totalitarian regime that can be extrapolated directly from 1984. Kai Strittmatter’s chilling preCovid book, We Have Been Harmonized
The Surveillance State of China: Life in China
* Protests continue in Iran. Those who want to follow them on Twitter have also found it helpful.
The niece of Ayatollah #Khamenei, was arrested in #Iran. The protests were supported by the woman and she spoke out against repression.
Farideh #Moradkhani were arrested on November 23. Mahmoud, Farideh’s brother, is now in France and published her appeal to all members of the world community.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv November 28, 2022
* Jason Brodsky’s Twitter is very useful in the Iran protests. The tweet below was found on his Twitter feed. The regime blames the USA for the protests. (What, not “the Zionist Regime”? Compare the courage of these artists to those of our hacks and fakers.
Iranian actors and artists published a video that showed women removing their headscarves. Similar acts of defiance have led to the arrest of other artists. #mhs_myny #Mahsa_Amini
Khosro Kalbasi Itfahani (@KhosroKalbasi November 27, 2022
* Covid is a Wuhan, China native and has been instrumental in spreading social control techniques around the globe, even though “the science” they cited has collapsed. Joel Zinberg’s timely column “End the Vaccine Mandates” The subhead states that “The time has arrived for the Biden administration, to follow the science.” While I am not a prediction expert, I don’t believe that it will happen.
* Elon Musk’s new Twitter is still a big story. Because it resists censorship as a defining principle, it remains a huge story. Miranda Devine reveals the truth in the New York Post column , “The left throws an argument as Elon Musk reverses Twitter censorship.”
* Freedom is the theme.