Monday’s CNN This Morning co-host Don Lemon attempted to discredit Republican complaints about New York bail reform’s negative effects during an interview with Adam Lawler, (eventually victorious), Republican congressional candidate.
He also suggested that Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for governor of Texas, is to blame for the crime near his home, even though he is a Congressman and has no control over the state or local law enforcement in the Democrat-controlled State.
Lemon stated that bail reform has not boosted crime in the same way as he did Friday’s interview with Kathy Hochul, a Democrat.
Lawler claimed that many people in his district will vote for him due to crime. He also complained about bail reform. People are frustrated by New York’s policies, particularly around cashless bail.
Lemon jumped in to refute his argument.
Listen, I must say that there is no evidence that cashless bail has had any effect on — those are the facts. Let me ask you a question. Let me get my question out. Kathy Hochul was on air and said that the narrative surrounding crime — she was on Friday. She stated that the narrative surrounding crime is not always what the stats show.
Lemon countered and cited a study showing that much recidivism is linked to bail reform. He then suggested that Congressman Zeldin could be held responsible for the crime in his area. Lee Zeldin lives in a Republican district. If he is a Republican Congressman and can’t get control over crime where he lives, then is that not –?
Before switching topics, Poppy Harlow, co-host, tried to save her liberal cohost by saying, “I think Don is saying here that correlation is not necessarily causation.”
On Friday’s program, Governor Hochul was interviewed by Harlow, who asked her guest if she would reform bail.
Lee Zeldin stated that he would do one thing if elected governor: he would immediately repeal the bail reform law. That law is unacceptable to you. You want changes to it. Would you make the same changes as he says he would? Would you make an executive order to repeal it?
Lemon helped Governor Hochul to dismiss the argument that bail reform wasn’t the only factor responsible for the rise in crime. There is no evidence that bail reform is a significant factor. We will let you know if that changes. However, there is no evidence linking bail reform with what has been happening in certain cities.
John Miller, a network law enforcement analyst, stated that Governor Hochul failed to get the Democrat state legislature scale back bail reform more than once a month ago. This issue was not brought up by the current CNN morning hosts. Miller recalled that Kathy Hochul was spending her crime-time during the debate defending her accomplishments. She fixed the criminal justice reform laws. However, when she went to her Democratic senate, and assembly, they only passed a tenth (in terms of rollbacks) of what she requested.
These episodes of CNN This Morning were sponsored by Consumer Cellular Jersey Mike’s, Skechers and Skechers.
The contact information for both of them is linked.
These transcripts are available:
CNN This Morning
November 7, 2022
7:34 a.m. Eastern
ADAM LAWLER (NEW YORK REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE): This affects everyone, regardless of whether it’s crime in the area — because they work in that city — or law enforcement. People are frustrated by New York’s policies, particularly around cashless bail.
DON LEMON (Listen): There is no evidence that cashless bail had any effect on — those are the facts. Let me ask you a question. Let me get my question out. Kathy Hochul was on air and said that the narrative surrounding crime — she was on Friday. She stated that the statistics don’t necessarily reflect the narrative surrounding crime. It’s very real, I know that. It’s a real problem. Do you believe there is a disconnect?
LAWLER: She’s wrong. Here’s the truth. Since cashless bail was implemented, index crimes in New York City have increased by 36 percent. They are up 29 percent year-over-year. The reality is that crime has increased significantly since cashless bail was implemented. 40% of those who were released on non-monetary bail for felony offences have been re-arrested while the charges are pending. This is serious. This is serious. People are worried about being shoved in front subway cars. They are also concerned about being shot on the street. This is a serious problem that Democrats are responsible for. They have not done anything to address it. They have made it worse by the policies they have enacted.
LEMON: But people would argue that Lee Zeldin was the one who did the horrible thing in front of his house. Lee Zeldin lives in a Republican district. Is it not a — if he is a Republican Congressman and can’t get control over crime where he lives?
LAWLER: Policies are statewide policies that were enacted under one-party rule. The Democrats control Albany and New York City in general. They have eliminated the anti-crime group. They have no enforcement of petty criminals. These are difficult challenges that require a balanced approach. We need judicial discretion. New York is the only state that doesn’t have a dangerousness threshold. We need a balanced approach, a common-sense approach to crime prevention and public safety. This is the number-one responsibility of government and they have failed in this regard.
HARLOW: Don is right. I think that correlation is not necessarily causation.
CNN This Morning
November 4, 2022
Eastern, 8:11 a.m.
POPPY HARLOW – As someone who takes my children every day on the subway in New York City, very close to where I am this morning, I can tell you that homicides have fallen but that rapes, robberies, and felony assaults have increased. You also talked about how your opponent didn’t have any solutions. Lee Zeldin stated that he would immediately repeal the bail reform law if elected governor. That law is unacceptable to you. You want changes to it. Would you make the same changes as he says he would? Would you make an executive order to repeal it?
GOVERNOR KATHY HOHUL (D-NY),: This is a very simplistic approach. It ignores the fact that it’s all about how we support law enforcement. He voted against, he wouldn’t be supportive of funding for the police. I tripled the amount of money available for law enforcement. We’re supporting violence disruptor programs. It’s foolish to say you’re only going to change one aspect of the system. We did make changes to the bail laws that covered repeat offenders and gun cases. Because of the changes I made to the budget, this has been in effect for just a few months.
It’s something I am always willing to revisit, but it is not clear that this is the cause. Although there are some cases, I don’t believe there is a significant disparity between pre-pandemic and the time this was passed. It doesn’t matter. We are dealing with people’s emotions here, and I can understand that. I am a mother. Because you are hardwired to care for your family’s safety and children, voters should know that we have a plan. We are working on this.
You don’t want to put up ads saying you know the answer — when you don’t believe we should be getting guns off of the streets — you want to give guns every teacher — you want guns on the subways. It’s absurd to think that this will make people safer. I think people need to understand what’s at stake here. As someone who has been in the trenches, working hard, and not just running around saying “All you have do is repeal a bail laws, and all crime will disappear.” I believe people are smarter than that.
LEMON: Kaitlin. I understand you want to get in. But, just a clarification. This is according to CNN and other fact-checks. There is no evidence that bail reform is a significant factor. We will let you know if that changes. However, there is no evidence linking bail reform with what has been happening in certain cities.
CNN’s New Day
October 26, 2022
JOHN MILLER – CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT Analyst: Kathy Hochul was spending her crimetime during the debate defending her accomplishments. She fixed the criminal justice reform laws. However, when she went to her Democratic senate assembly, they only passed about a tenth (in terms of rollbacks) of what she requested.