When they rush to defend the “rich history of drag queens”, you know that the media outlet is liberal. The PBS NewsHour tweeted this Associated Press story (and it ran on its website).
The recent headlines about disruptions of drag events and their portrayal as sexual and harmful to children can obscure the art form and its rich history.https://t.co/0Pb992w7gF
— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) October 31, 2022
PBS’s headline is “Analysis”: False claims and political rhetoric obscure the history of drag performances. This piece was called an “Explainer” by AP.
Jeff McMillan is the AP reporter/editor for the case. His Twitter bio states that he is a member the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association, complete with rainbow flag emoji. McMillan is also part of AP Stylebook, which ensures that all terminology is LGBTQ-approved.
From the beginning, he began editorializing:
Drag has been used to drag through the mud in recent years.
Right-wing politicians and activists have been putting the art in a negative light in recent months, citing concerns about the “sexualization” and “grooming of children. Opponents often organize protests at drag events that cater to children and sometimes show up with guns. Some politicians have suggested banning children from drag events, and criminally charging parents who bring their kids to one.
Performers and organizers of events such as story hours, in which colorfully dressed drag queens read books to children, claim that protesters are terrorizing and harming children. They also make them political pawns, just like they have done in other campaigns regarding bathroom access and educational material.
Are there any Republicans or conservatives quoted? No. No.
McMillan was a typical opponent to the term “groomer” but complained about religious people.
False rhetoric allows perpetrators to present themselves as the saviors for children and attempt to frame anyone who disagrees (for example, a political opponent) as being on the side of child abusers.
Many opponents invoke the devil at work, while others raise religious objections.
Will AP recognize drag queens who perform in front of children? Yes, but it’s “fact-checked” by the idea of parents approving.
Drag opponents can also attend performances and take and post a video without context. This is a tactic to discourage attendance.
One video clip showed a child performing a profane act of drag in front of an adult. The child was not present with adults. The venue had warned attendees about the coarse content and suggested that parents exercise parental discretion.
McMillan concluded:
Drag does not “turn” a child homosexual or transgender, despite some opposition. However, its playful use may be comforting to children who are already questioning their identity. Joe Kort, a psychologist, wrote that gender-nonconforming children can use “other templates” as they work out their true identity.
Previously: Sinister! AP: Trans is a ‘Wedge Issue’ for Republicans