Whoever wrote President Joe Biden’s scripts was a boo-boo.
Biden, a “Devout Catholic”, claimed that all of us are “children of God” and “sacred” at the Columbus Club in Washington D.C. November 2, Townhall.com tweeted. He must have forgotten that he is a big advocate for the killing of innocent children in utero, and does the opposite to honoring the sacredness life.
BIDEN: “Each of us is a child God.” Each person is sacred. If this is true, then all rights must be sacred.”
Joe, please remind us of your position on abortion. pic.twitter.com/YPJecd5jI5
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom), November 2, 2022
“Each of us is a child God. Each person is sacred. If this is true, then all rights must be sacred.”
All rights of a person must be protected. Huh? This is the same guy who denies the most basic human right, the right of life, to the most vulnerable members of our society.
Biden is a staunch pro-abortion advocate. Biden criticized the Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ 15-week abortion ban. If Dems control Congress next year, he will make Roe codifying his priority. He also slams any laws that protect innocent lives.
Wednesday’s speech by Biden included the following: “Individual dignity and individual worth, individual determination, that is America, that is democracy, that’s what you have to defend.”
How can he defend unborn babies? He dehumanizes and reduces their importance, which is the exact opposite of showing “individual worth.”
Biden also confused his faith with its actual stance on abortion on Tuesday.
I’m a practicing Catholic. I voted for Roe vs. Wade. Roe vs Wade is the best rational basis on which confessional faiths could agree. No one knows when human life begins.
Joe, if science is something you believe in, then you’d know that 96 per cent of biologists agree that human life begins when an egg and sperm are fertilized, or the moment of conception.
The Bible also explains when life begins. The Lord has proven in numerous instances that he knew about our existence long before our mothers. The Bible does not mention life being valued at the first breath of life. The Lord values each person and gives each one sanctity.
Galatians 328 says, “There is no Jew nor Gentile nor slave nor free nor male and female, for there is all one in Christ Jesus.” Yes, we are all valued, according to Biden. But all includes unborn babies, not just those with birth certificates.
To support abortion as a person who is a believer, one must give up the faith. Despite what Biden’s accomplices often claim, abortion and Christian faith do not work together.
We knew Biden was against abortion. We also knew he called himself a Catholic, but to blatantly lie about his belief in the value of life is a new low for our president.