Joy Reid, MSNBC’s host of The ReidOut, spent the first half hour of Tuesday’s MSNBC’s The ReidOut talking with Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and failed presidential candidate about how the Republican Party is a fascist cult which promotes violence against their political enemies.
Reid continued to portray the Republican Party as supportive of the attack against Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi. Reid asked Clinton about the apparent attack.
Clinton stated that there was always a streak of violence in the Republican Party.
Reid panicked later that “if Kevin McCarthy was to become Speaker, it is very likely that Marjorie Green got a gavel.”
Reid was out of touch with the concerns of the average voter and asked if voters didn’t get the threat that Republicans pose if they won control of Congress.
Clinton, who is as delusional and delusional as Reid, shrieked: “I don’t think people are capable of really grasp that” threat as well as the “threats they face to their way life” that Republicans pose for Americans.
She then repeated the debunked talking point, “Republicans are going to put Social Security & Medicare up for a ballot.”
Reid was not content with the lies and jumped in to falsely claim that “Kari lake laughed at Paul Pelosi (82-year-old man being beat and concussed intruder”)” Claiming: “That is now just the standard” in Republican Party.
Reid then asked Clinton if Clinton was concerned that her democracy would not be able “to hold onto what you can only refer to as fascism and violent politics and demand for power sans elections?”
Clinton went off in her famous nasty shrill shrieking, which makes her so repulsive for large numbers of Americans. “Republicans have been speaking about nothing but crime, then when Paul Pelosi is convicted of a crime, they could not care less. These people don’t believe half of what is said.
“If a candidate in your state laughs at an 82-year old man being hit with the hammer in his home, then there is something wrong with that person. Clinton asked Clinton why they would want to have fun with them about a crime.
Farmer’s Insurance’s endorsement made this segment possible on MSNBC. You can contact them directly by linking their information.
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MSNBC’s The ReidOut
7:04:16 Eastern
JOY REID So, I’m wondering if you could tell me about the attack on Paul Pelosi and what it meant for the country and the hatred toward powerful women.
HILLARY CLINTON : Joy, your question is kind of an answer to itself. As you mentioned, there has always been a streak in violence. I believe that what we see today, and it has been made more apparent by the horrible attack on Paul Pelosi’s house, isn’t just an aberration. It’s not a situation where a few people or a small group engages in violent rhetoric and urge people take action against politicians like her, me, and others. We are witnessing a whole political party and all those who support it, enable it, and those who run under its banner engaging in dangerous behavior that I find disqualifying for those who are running for office.
We have seen many ads this midterm election by Republicans promoting crime. Crime is the problem. An intruder attacks an 82-year old man in his own home. They don’t seem to be too bothered.
Because this person is married to Speaker of the House, who is from a different political party. I want you to see this, and I really hope every American will stop and think about it. This is the kind if violent rhetoric that leads into violent action that supports authoritarians. Unfortunately, that’s what the Republican Party is supporting today.
REID: This attacker allegedly confessed that he planned to kidnap Paul Pelosi and wait for Nancy Pelosi’s return. Then, he would then take her hostage to break her kneecaps and use her as a symbol for everyone else about what he believed was in store for them if their right-wing conspiracy theory mind behaved as it did. This was a plot to kidnap the Speaker of the House. Her husband was also the victim because he was home.
Yet, you saw the person now solely responsible for Twitter. This global public marketplace of ideas, which, whether you like it or not is still a huge global public marketplace of ideas, promote lies and conspiracy theories about what happened to Paul Pelosi. Given his reach and the fact that he is owned by the Saudis, this was broadcast to his followers and the rest of the world. We are not living in the age of reality anymore.
CLINTON: To his credit, he did take that down. I don’t see Republicans running to the Congress, Governors, and other positions taking down their violent ads. I also don’t see them curbing or reducing their rhetoric. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is calling for the death of Speaker Pelosi because of treason, was something you played. You heard something from the Republican candidate for Governor of Arizona about the level of hateful and violent rhetoric coming out of Republicans.
I want viewers and voters to ask themselves if they would trust someone who is creating these violent feelings, who is making jokes about a violent attack against Paul Pelosi, or who is pointing fingers at others, asking for scapegoating, asking for forgiveness, and why would they trust that person to have power over them, their family, their business, or their community?
So I’d like to go one step further and not just refer to the horrible incident with Paul Pelosi. Because the current rhetoric from Republican candidates is so troubling. I didn’t see any outpouring of support from elected officials for Nancy Pelosi in the same way that she stood with Republicans and Democrats in times of terror like January 6.
Ask yourself, please, why would anyone trust power to people who are either unable to see the horror that someone would suffer in their own home or don’t care because they believe it will get them votes that will win them election? This is a serious threat to our democracy’s heart.
REID: If Kevin McCarthy were to be elected Speaker, it’s very possible that Marjorie Green would receive a gavel. She would get a committee. People like Lauren Boebert will get committees. Matt Gaetz would be on the committees. Maybe he could get a committee to deal with national security because he would have had to appease them to get enough votes for Speaker.
Are you worried that voters might not be putting these pieces together? A Republican House would give power to the faction you are referring to, and empower them even more.
CLINTON: I think that people don’t understand the dangers to their way of living because of all the noise they’ve heard in this election campaign. They might think that the person who chairs a committee is abstract.
The Republicans in the House, along with others like the chairperson of the Republican Senate Campaign Committee, have made it clear that they will vote on Social Security and Medicare. I don’t get why all Americans, not just those who are eligible for these two programs they have worked hard for and paid into, aren’t up in arms. We have many problems in this country right now. We need intelligent people to work together to solve these problems. We don’t want to make life harder for the vast majority Americans. Medicare and Social Security are not going away. Their children and grandchildren would have to step in to fill this gap left by the reckless behavior of the Republicans and the ideological action they are promising to take.
There are many issues. Sometimes, when I tell people this, they respond by saying that they wouldn’t do that. They told us for 50 years that they would get rid of Roe V. Wade. And they would give abortion to the states. State legislators and local officials could decide what your health insurance would look like.
Why would you not believe them when they say they will pursue Medicare and Social Security? They are my friends. I believe them. It’s a question that everyone is asking. Listen to them and see what they’ve done. They also promise to do what they said.
REID: Donald Trump would use her imprisonment as a call to his audience to respond about you during his 2016 campaign. It would be repeated by Michael Flynn. I can still remember being at the Cleveland convention and feeling the rage directed at me personally. It felt very personal.
You can see the progress we have made since then. It is amazing to see where Donald Trump’s ideology has taken root in the Republican Party. Kari Lake laughed at Paul Pelosi (an 82-year old man being beaten by an intruder). That is not the end of it. Are you worried that our democracy will not be able hold onto what you can only call fascism, violent politics and a demand for power without elections
CLINTON: I hope voters rally in the last week of the midterms to fully understand what’s at stake. To not get distracted, I said that Republicans have been talking only about crime. Then, when Paul Pelosi is convicted of a crime, they can’t care less. These people don’t believe half of what is said.
I was a senator for eight years. Many of those who are still there I know. They are not my friends, and I know they aren’t smarter than I am. However, they believe they must be part of the right-wing movement that has unfortunately overthrown the Republican Party.
We have a week to help people focus. If a candidate in your state laughs at an 82-year old man being hit with the hammer in his home, that’s a sign that something is wrong. Why would they want to have you laugh with them about a crime.
If there is someone running for the House who voted in the House the same way the vast majority of Republicans did to reverse the clock on women’s rights and to reverse the clock on Social Security, Medicare, and other benefits, then why would you vote? Let’s get rid of all the noise and focus on what is in your best interest.
The Republicans have spoken a lot about inflation. They have done nothing to address it. It is President Biden who is pursuing corporate profits that seem out of control, especially for the energy industry, which includes oil and gas companies. It’s President Biden trying to inject new energy into the economy. And it’s working.
Two big announcements were made in New York by the Democrats, who finally passed the Inflation Reduction Act. The Republicans may talk a good game but they rarely do anything except try to take away your freedoms and undermine the quality our lives, and make our political discourse violent rather than bring people together. This behavior is unacceptable.
Between now and next Tuesday, you have the opportunity to send a clear message. We don’t want people who laugh at the idea of a hammer hitting someone’s head. We want people who can solve our problems. We don’t want anyone getting elected who will cut Social Security and Medicare.
REID: We’ll take a quick break before we start talking. You mentioned that you’ve served with many of these people and don’t believe they believe what they are saying. I’ll show you a quick picture. This is you. You can see John McCain standing there. If you look to the left, you will see Lindsey Graham. Susan Collins is also there. Lindsey Graham is a puzzle. I think a lot people find Lindsey Graham a puzzle. He was an ally of John McCain, but now he is Donald Trump’s poodle. He is his best friend. What has happened to him? What do you think has happened to him?
CLINTON: Joy, I wish I could tell you because I don’t see the image. But you described it to us and I know that that was a trip I took with John McCain and other senators when we were all in the Senate. Literally, to educate ourselves as well as our constituents about climate changes. As we looked at melting glaciers, we spoke to indigenous people who had experienced dramatic changes in their lives. It was clear that everyone, even Senator Graham, believed in climate change. John McCain was alive and well, but he seemed to believe it.
Lindsey was free from any ties after Senator McCain’s passing. It’s hard to put it another way. He was still a bit of himself in 2016, and he pointed out many of the inconsistencies, the dangers, and then, when Trump won, Senator Graham joined him.
The Supreme Court has denied his appeal and ordered him to testify about what he did to overturn the election results in Georgia. It is a bit strange that someone who was always on the right side of the political spectrum, not to mention the fact that he was a conservative, has now joined the cult that believes the big lie and seems intent on moving us in a direction that anyone with a basic understanding of American history would know is going to harm us. I believe everyone should be held accountable and hold one another accountable for where they stand going into the midterm elections.