Election Day is still two weeks away so Democrats haven’t officially lost yet. However, liberal pundits are already blaming Democrats for a “stupid” midterm campaign strategy. They claim that the party did not listen to voters, emphasized the wrong issues, and moved too far to their left.
On Sunday’s State of the Union, Hilary Rosen, a Democratic strategist, said bluntly that she was a loyal Democrat but is not happy. I don’t think we listened to voters in this election. I think we’re going have a rough night …. When voters tell you that they care most about the economy, listen to them.
Martha Raddatz, ABC’s This Week host, took a similar approach when challenging Democratic Senator Cory Booker. “This week, President Biden gave a major speech about saving democracy, barely mentioning crime…Was this the right thing to stress at this moment in midterms when so Many Americans are concerned?”
Fox News Sunday’s Democratic pollster Mark Penn stated that the Biden White House did not address these issues (inflation and economy) directly in any meaningful manner. They became inflation deniers, and that is, I believe, a stupid strategy.”
CNN’s Dana Bash reported that Senator Amy Klobuchar was running for Maggie Hassan, a fellow Democrat. She asked Klobuchar if he would admit that the party made mistakes by spending large amounts to support Don Bolduc. But the race is now …. Can you admit that it was a mistake?
On CNN’s Fareed Zakaria 360, Bill Maher, HBO host, said that Democrats were being punished because they lost common sense on cultural issues and that Biden had embraced the extremist elements within his party’s base. “You know, that’s — the Democrats will find that that wasn’t a great strategy.”
It suggests that many media liberals expect a embarrassing performance from Democrats on Tuesday. Imagine how they’ll react to these hypothetical losses.
Here’s more from Sunday’s pre-election blame-game:
# CNN’s State of the Union on November 6:
DANA BASH to Senator Amy Klobuchar. Let’s talk about one the incumbents you are associated with, as you mentioned. Maggie Hassan, who is campaigning in New Hampshire with one of your incumbent colleagues, is one of them. She is running against Don Bolduc, who she has called an “election denier”. Democratic groups spent millions of money to boost Bolduc in the Republican primary, believing he would be easier to defeat in the general election. Bolduc is still in the race, and that’s why you are there. Will he be in the Senate in January with you? Do you think it was a mistake or a mistake to boost him.
Later, during the roundtable discussion, on the same show:
HILARY ROSEN, Democratic strategist: I am a loyal Democrat but I am not happy. I feel that we didn’t listen to voters in this election and I think we’re going have a rough night ….When people tell you that they only care about the economy, listen. Stop talking about democracy being at risk. Because people are so passionate about what elections mean, democracy is at stake. Voters have given us what we want to hear and Democrats have not delivered this cycle.
# Fox News Sunday, November 6, 2006:
SHANNON BREAAM, Host: Mark, a piece you wrote a few weeks ago on FoxNews.com about inflation and the voters who care the most about the economy. You warned it would come back to bite Democrats.
MARK PENN, Democratic pollster: Yes. It’s the number one issue in this country. The interesting thing is that Democrats have stated that ‘threats to democracy’ is what they are running their campaign on. I believe the Biden administration did “threat to democracy” by giving student loans and pardoning marijuana. They also purchased a million dollars of gas from the petroleum reserve. They didn’t address these issues in a meaningful way. They became inflation deniers, which I think is a stupid strategy. We will see if I’m correct.
# ABC’s This Week, November 6,:
ABC’s MARTHA RADDATZ wrote to Senator Cory Booker: President Biden gave a major speech this week on saving democracy, barely mentioning crime or the economy…Was that the right thing for Americans to stress at this moment in midterms when so many Americans worry ?…Did Democrats underestimate the importance of this issue?
# CNN’s Fareed Zakaria 360, November 6th:
HBO’S BILL MAHER: Biden invited the TikTokers to his office about a fortnight ago. It was a Hail Mary, I suppose, in connection with this election. This generation, however, doesn’t vote much but they believe they will vote Democratic. He went all in on gender reconstruction surgery, which, you know what, this generation believes is the civil rights movement. You know, the people I tried to convince that Biden was a centrist, I kinda get it when they see something similar and ask, What do you mean Biden, a centrist? This is him going all-in on this issue ….
FAREED ZAKARIA, Host: What I find strange about Joe Biden is that he was choosing him a little to balance the ticket to the right ….People thought he was very liberal. Joe Biden was a traditionalist. He’s now clearly on the left-leaning policies of Obama.
MAHER: Yes. Because the party moved there, and he doesn’t want to go against the base he views. I think that’s — that’s a good strategy.