The red tsunami that struck Election Day was so evident that MSNBC, before the polls closed, was already calling the Georgia results illegitimate by 5 O’clock in the evening. This was Jason Johnson, a Morgan State University professor who also served as fill-in host for MSNBC. Johnson also disinformationated about when one could vote. He also had support from Deadline: White House host Nicolle Wallace.
Johnson suggested that the cut-off time for provisional ballot distribution in Georgia would be at the end of the hour, just before the clock struck five. Johnson then suggested that regardless of the results, they wouldn’t be the truth due to “voter suppression”.
We have never seen voter suppression like it in 2018. It’s all up in the air, I believe. We have seen youth participation at levels that we hadn’t expected. Democrats are confident, while Republicans I’ve spoken with feel confident. We can’t guarantee that tonight’s election will be fair and equitable because there have been many laws passed by election deniers that prevent people from being free to express themselves.
“The election deniers were too offensive that they were rejected Georgia Republican primary voters who chose Kemp and Raffensperger. They did pass and sign into Law the ‘election integrity’ law that was a voter suppress law, as Jason stated.” Wallace laughed in agreement, using air-quotes to indicate “election integrity.”
Ed Whelan, a senior fellow at The Ethics and Public Policy Center, did a fact-check on Johnson’s assertion and found it lacking.
“Here’s his claim about provisional votes: If you show-up at the wrong precinct, poll workers will inform you where your polling station is. He wrote on Twitter that you can either go there to vote or submit a provisional poll after 5:00.
In reality, Georgia had a record-breaking voter turnout.
These comments that harm democracy were possible because of lucrative sponsorships by Prevagen and AT&T. Their contact information can be found linked.
Below is the transcript. Click “expand” for more information:
MSNBC Deadline: White House
November 8, 2022
Eastern, 4:55:35
NICOLLE WALLACE – Jason Johnson, I know that you have many thoughts but we are short on time so I’m going for a quick question. What are your final thoughts about this race in the last hours before the polls close.
JASON JOHNSON : This is the best indicator that we must always talk about voter suppression. One thing is key. It’s almost 5:15. Right? Brian Kemp and Raffensperger changed Georgia’s state law to prohibit provisional ballots being obtained before 5:00 p.m. If you waited in line for more than 2 1/2 hours, finally got there, they informed you that there was a problem and you won’t be able to get a provisional vote.
We have never seen voter suppression like it in 2018. It’s all up in the air, I believe. We have seen youth participation at levels that we hadn’t expected. Democrats are confident, while Republicans I’ve spoken with feel confident. We can’t guarantee that tonight’s election will be fair and equitable, as there have been too many laws passed to prevent people from being free to express themselves.
WALLACE Georgia Republican primary voters rejected the election deniers because they were so offensive. They chose Kemp and Raffensperger. Jason stated that they did pass and signed into law the “election integrity [air quotes] law, which was a voter suppression law.