We Knew Ye Too Well // John Hinderaker
I didn’t pay much attention to Kanye West’s apparent anti-Semitic remarks a few days back. This was partly due to my lack of interest in hip-hop music and fashion, which West has had success in, and partly because I don’t know much about his political musings.
Because some of his political pronouncements were favorable to Donald Trump, the Left found West an easy target. Trump played into the hands of the Democrats as usual. He invited West to Mar-a-Lago for dinner, and West brought along a man named Fuentes, with whom I am not familiar, but who is clearly objectionable. Trump was forced to deny any knowledge about Fuentes, while trying to keep his fragile alliance with the deeply disturbed Ye.
Now, West has reacted to the situation: in an interview with Alex Jones he defended Hitler. “I like Hitler.” He also said, “We gotta stop dissing Nazis all of the time.” West was seen wearing a black stocking cap over his face.
Liberals are having a field day as they associate Ye with Donald Trump.
This sad story inspires many thoughts.
Kanye West has a history of mental illness that he is far from over. He needs help. It is absurd to pretend that he is a prominent political figure.
Second, Donald Trump’s judgments are, once more, horrible. He sank into the trap of an obviously unstable, irrational entertainer. I suppose it gave him some trendy cachet. Probably also because West is, for some reason, rich. Trump is responsible for the cigar that exploded in his face. Trump, whose daughter married an Israeli Jew, whose Jewish son in-law was a key advisor when he was president, has allowed himself the brush of antisemitism. Smartness is essential for presidential candidates. Trump is not smart.
Let’s not forget, third and most importantly, where serious antisemitism originates. Left-wing Democrats such as the members of “Squad” are anti-Semitic, and viciously anti Israel. The Democrats’ antisemitic history dates back a long time. Al Sharpton, a well-known anti-Semite, is still kingmaker status. Sharpton was the one who incited the Crown Heights riot. He has never apologized. Then there is Louis Farrakhan, who is finally out of favor with Democrats-officially, at least-but who has done orders of magnitude more to incite hatred against Jews than West.
Kanye West is a mentally ill, poor man. I hope he receives the right treatment. Donald Trump’s association with the unreliable West in a tone-deaf fashion has allowed the Democrats shift the burden of antisemitism away from them, where it belongs to, to the Republicans. This is the kind political incompetence that will condemn Donald Trump to the dustbin history.