s on Twitter Files, cont’d // (Scott Johnson).
Matt Taibbi published a Twitter Files Supplemental thread that contained 12 substantive tweets late yesterday afternoon. It can be accessed here. It is available at http://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1604613292491538432″>here. I encourage interested readers to look it up. Here are my comments and notes.
It is covered by The New York Post. It is covered by The Daily Mail Mainstream media remains closed. The Twitter Files revelations suggest that Elon Musk may be a public enemy.
* This supplemental thread is derived primarily from old Twitter communications with FBI Special Agent Elvis Chan (hereinafter “the evil Elvis”). The bad Elvis has not fled the building. He won’t leave. He needs answers.
3.The questionnaire authors seem displeased with Twitter for implying, in a July 20th “DHS/ODNI/FBI/Industry briefing,” that “you indicated you had not observed much recent activity from official propaganda actors on your platform.” pic.twitter.com/VR3DdkRyOr
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 18, 2022
* This is mind-boggling stuff. The FBI is in a terrible state. It was perhaps a little too much for the compliant management that used to govern Twitter.
* Who is Chan thinking he is? He is the man from the Foreign Influence Task Force. It’s a very suggestive acronym. It could have been called FIT for Nothing. He should have been told by Old Twitter to get rid of it.
* Chan also speaks for the United States Intelligence Community. Chan advised that there was a lot of discussion in the USIC to clarify your company’s position.
* Did I mention this is mind-boggling stuff! This is the bad Elvis drawing on FBI modus operandi, with which we became acquainted in the Russia hoax. He cites leaked “USIC” stories to support the “USIC”.
7.Roth, receiving the questions, circulated them with other company executives, and complained that he was “frankly perplexed by the requests here, which seem more like something we’d get from a congressional committee than the Bureau.” pic.twitter.com/SrLrdZLREa
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 18, 2022
11. This exchange is unusual among other reasons because some of the “bibliography” materials cited by FITF were sourced to intelligence officers, who in turn cited public sources.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 18, 2022
* Old Twitter’s Yoel Rot has been a good boy. He is confused by the suggestion that old Twitter may not be in compliance or have departed from the requisite groupthink.
9.He sent an internal note stating that the question premise was “flawed” because “we’ve made it clear that official state propaganda on Twitter is definitely a thing.” pic.twitter.com/cNzrjcMJfD
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 18, 2022
* I have omitted the FBI response in my last set of notes . Taibbi adds it to this supplemental thread with his comment.
12.The FBI responded to Friday’s report by saying it “regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities.” pic.twitter.com/fkJrLjPKlN
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) December 18, 2022
* Did I mention something is rotten at the FBI? Let’s expand that to include the “USIC”, for which bad Elvis spoke.