eview of Twitter Files // (Scott Johnson).
Matt Taibbi explains the disruption to his professional life by explaining that the Twitter Files story is the reason.
The FBI described Lee Fang, Michael Shellenberger, and me as conspiracy theorists this week. Their “sole goal” is to discredit the FBI. This statement will soon look ironic, as we spent a lot of time learning about other agencies or organizations that can now be discredited due to these files. I might release some of this information in the morning to make it easier for me to be present Dad on the actual holiday.
We spent the last few weeks reading thousands upon thousands of documents. I spent a lot of time learning about Twitter and its relationship with government. How strange is modern-day America! According to CIA veterans, information above the “tearline” of a U.S. intelligence cable would have included the station of origin as well as any other CIA offices that were copied on the report.
Today was spent looking at identical documents, written by the exact same people. However, the “offices” copied at top of their reports were not other agencies stations but Twitter’s Silicon Valley colleagues: Apple and Facebook, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, and even LinkedIn. These are the new principal intelligence outposts for the American empire. These companies appear to have been given no choice in becoming key components of a global surveillance system and information control system. However, evidence suggests that their Quislingian leaders were all happy to be absorbed. More information on the “Other Government Agencies” will be available soon, possibly tomorrow.
We have at least something to look forward too.