ght for the Day // It’s Later than You Think // (Steven Hayward).
There is a lot pessimism about “Our Democracy TM” from both liberals and some conservatives, especially regarding its future. This is a representative sample.
Our idiot institutions are to blame for our failures and disillusionment. In relation to the future, people seem to be divided into two groups: the “optimists,” and the “pessimists.” They believe that civilization is heading to the dogs. The optimists believe that regardless of what the future holds, we must not lose heart. We mold our institutions, and they mold us. We are the hammer, anvil, and the forge. Because of the weight of inept institutions, civilization is a dying dance. Our task is to change and direct these institutions so that their weight supports us, rather than crushing us.
This quote is actually from Max Lerner, a liberal commentator. It’s actually from his 1939 book It’s Later Than You Think. The Need for a Militant democracy. The title and mood are very similar to what you hear today, leftist bedwetters ranting about Trump’s “threat” to democracy, populism, and nationalism. etc.
Some things are never the same. For a certain group of people, it’s always “later that you think”.
Two observations: Our institutions have more strength than reformers believe.
Second, why should we expect better outcomes if institutions are “reformed” in a leftist manner? This is the question.