No One Trusts The CDC // John Hinderaker
One of many formerly respected federal agencies that have fallen into disrepute is the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC has become a tool for the Left, and the Democratic Party specifically. It seems that those who run the Centers are more interested politically in activism than in disease prevention.
CDC’s latest initiative is a self assessment tool for “LGBTQ Inclusion in Schools”. (Via Breitbart. This document is intended for educators, administrators, and other education professionals. It conforms perfectly with far-Left dogmas regarding sex as reflected in these definitions.
I don’t mean to go on a digression, but “gender” is a slightly more formal term for “sex.” There are two types of sexes, and they are defined by X andY chromosomes. This is a biological and linguistic fact. The Left, however, cleverly attempted to separate gender and sex and create an ideologically-driven definition. The CDC and other leftists actually promote a definition of gender that corresponds to the English words for masculine and feminine. There are indeed men who have some feminine characteristics and women who have some male characteristics. Maybe we all do. I don’t know. This long-established fact is not an excuse to trash biology science.
Continue: The CDC document is a happy talk about gender confusion. According to the CDC, educators should be “allies” with “queer” youth.
The whole thing is illustrated using “queer” images – their word, not mine.
The contents of the “self-assessment” are exactly what you would expect. These are just a few examples. You can find many more at the link.
According to the CDC, if you’re not grooming, you’re not teaching. It’s no surprise that public faith in institutions such as the CDC has fallen to new lows. We surveyed Minnesotans about their confidence in various institutions for the October issue . This confidence is declining across the board, but this finding stood apart:
Minnesotans are losing faith in the public healthcare system after two years of the COVID outbreak. Only 36% of Americans have confidence in America’s public healthcare system, while 62% said they are unsure. This is a shocking result for purported experts who have been in the limelight since 2020.
It is easy to see why Americans don’t trust the Centers for Disease Control. They have diverted their mission from disease control to the realm of left-wing gender politics. It is difficult to imagine the circumstances that will restore public faith in this agency.