free speech is important // (John Hinderaker).
We just experienced a severe respiratory virus epidemic. Many are asking: Why did our government block intelligent discussion about the virus spreading around the globe by social media platforms?
In an ideal world doctors would freely discuss the treatments they have tried for a new condition and how and under what circumstances those treatments worked. This is the scientific method.
However, the scientific method has not been able to prevail in the last few decades. Instead, the public square was dominated by government-imposed dogma that often proved to be wrong. Many people died unnecessarily, while many more-mostly young people-had their lives ruined by irrational government action.
What do the data really reveal about the covid epidemic and the measures taken to stop it?
Some have claimed that anti-covid vaccinations have caused serious health issues. Some even claim that the vaccines are part a plan to reduce the Earth’s population to “sustainable” levels. This is not supported by any evidence. here has the most recent data regarding vaccine safety. The linked study focuses on people over 65 who are most at-risk. Kevin Roche comments:
Surprisingly, there were no safety signs for the Moderna and J & J vax. This is surprising because the Moderna vax has a higher dose of Pfizer, while the J & J have had more reports of problems. Initial signals for the Pfizer vax indicated that there was more than the background rate of events. This signal meant that there appeared to have been pulmonary embolism, heart attacks, and two clotting problems. However, the excess rate was not large. After adjusting for seasonal variation and other factors, the only statistically significant pulmonary embolism event was retained, but at a low level. The Pfizer vax was used more frequently by nursing home residents, which was not adjusted for. This may have contributed to the pulmonary embolism result. Other confounding factors were also not included. There was no time clustering between events in the windows immediately after the vax date. (Vax Article)
The bottom line is that this large study only shows one safety signal for elderly people. This would likely be eliminated by further analysis. Don’t pay attention to safety bullshit posted on the internet.
Then, there is the question of how to treat covid. While the covid virus was rampant, there were many options. Hydroxychloroquine was one of the many treatments that were available. Ivermectin was another. Liberals decried Ivermectin for being a “horse-dewormer,” even though it was approved by FDA for human use. It turns out that Ivermectin is safe and effective.
A meta-analysis of 63 studies on ivermectin and COVID-19 in humans found that 100% of them had positive results. All continents, except Antarctica, were included in the studies. 29 of the studies were statistically significant for ivermectin use alone, and they were taken individually. Pooled effects from 63 studies were found to show 69% improvement in early treatment and 86% improvement in prophylactic use. Peer-reviewed meta-analysis studies showed that early treatment improved by 70% (64% in randomised controlled trials), while 86% of those where ivermectin prophylactically was effective (84% in randomized controlled trials).
Over all time periods of delay in treatment, mortality from COVID-19 was 76% lower than controls (69% in randomised controlled trials), while it was 84% higher in early treatment of COVID-19 (82% of randomised controlled trials). Because of insufficient detail or complicating factors, forty studies were not included in the meta-analysis. These studies also showed 100% positive results.
It is extremely unlikely that an ineffective treatment would show such positive results as those shown in the 63 studies included in the meta-analysis. This probability is one in one trillion.
The FBI, the Biden administration, and liberal social media behemoths brutally suppressed all online discussion about these issues. How dangerous is the covid virus? Are vaccines effective? Are there any side effects? What are the available treatments and how effective are they. Is hydroxychloroquine effective? Does Ivermectin work? What other options are there?
The scientific method is all about openly discussing these issues and bringing new data to illuminate them. Science was shut down by America’s Left. This effectively stopped debate on the most important issues related to the covid epidemic. This is a lesson we should never forget. This is why freedom of speech is so important. If you want to find the right answer to a question it is best to let all sides debate it.
This has been known for thousands of years. Our Constitution reflects this wisdom. However, powerful interests oppose free speech. Each generation must reexamine the critical importance of freedom.