ght for the day: Bethell and Sobran on Leftist “Hive”, // (Steven Hayward).
The American Spectator has posted upwards a tribute to the late Ben Bethell , one of the fantastic conservative journalists in Buenos aires in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as in this excerpt recalls just how Bethell popularized Joe Sobran’ s analysis of the left’ s hive mentality–more beneficial than ever today:
Left-wing individuals in addition to organizations have disguised their particular agenda by adopting a fresh system of communication, one in that this crude old formulas for example “state ownership of the ways of production” never appear. May well Sobran, the National Review editor and columnist, provides likened the contemporary approach to socialist communication to a beehive. Bees in a hive seldom “talk” to one another, but they have an effective system of communication, and they also all work toward a goal, different bees executing different functions. “There is not a need to posit an overarching conspiracy, ” Sobran had written recently. “The world collectivist movement moves forward. Nothing of its constituent parts — Communist, socialist, liberal — runs the whole thing; they don’t also consciously cooperate, for the most part. ” But they manage never to trick one another.