s on Twitter Files (12). // (Scott Johnson).
Inside the twelfth of the Twitter Data files threads Matt Taibbi paperwork the central of the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. Students of James Joyce’s h
The thread is composed of forty The twine is unrolled here in the Thread Reader software.
1 . TWINE: The Twitter Files Twitter and the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION “Belly Button” pic. twitter. com/nfOGQGlvUM
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi January a few
The State Section got into the act of which Taibbi sketched in part 10.
https://t.co/BcFhHCvjAE Feb ., 2020, as COVID shattered out, the Global Engagement Centre – a fledgling analytic/intelligence arms of the State Section – went to the mass media with a report called, “Russian Disinformation Apparatus Taking Advantage of Coronavirus Concerns. ” pic. twitter. com/KjUeE8vejt
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi January a few
You have to notice this with your own eyes. This is Facebook didn’ t want the us government calling them out. They will wanted a chance to do the government’ s work before the click put them to it.
5. State also flagged accounts that retweeted reports that Twitter banned the favorite U. S. ZeroHedge, proclaiming the episode “led to a new flurry of disinformation narratives. ” ZH had completed reports speculating that the disease had lab origin. pic. facebook. com/JlIobPzAFE
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi The Month of January
Twitter wanted to make certain you These were ” May well McCarthy’ s hour got come around at last. Yet , Twitter was concerned about typically the political risk involved in carrying out demands from political celebrities. Twitter preferred to work immediately with the FBI and DHS. They wanted to create a the ”
11. The GEC record appeared based on DHS info circulated earlier that few days, and included accounts of which followed “two or more” Chinese diplomatic accounts. They will reportedly ended up with a list “nearly 250, 000” names extended, and included Canadian representatives and a CNN account: pic. facebook. com/GYi4YuPdyu
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi The Month of January
Elvis was still inside the building. The particular I actually seriously doubt that ” belly button” is an likely metaphor.
twentyfour They finally settled on a market In a impressive display of detailed security, Chan circulated exclusive numbers of each company’s key moderation officer in a Word Hello marked “Signal Phone Numbers, ” subject-lined, “List of Amounts. ” pic. twitter. com/5pTq7sfshh
— Shiny Taibbi (@mtaibbi) January 3, 2023
As I said, “You need to
26. Requests showed-up twitter. com/QYJBjPEJZW
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi January a few
Even the lying down hack Adam Schiff searched for to get in on the work. He singled out Paul Sperry from RealClearPolitics. It was a great honor! Paul Sperry, our own
28. “WE SELDOM DO THIS” Even Facebook declined to honor Schiff’s request at the time. Sperry was has been pic. facebook. com/9PX2Zw5Nzj
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi The Month of January
Facebook was accommodating government asks for in bulk. It required
40. “I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE TO YOUR WORK LOAD”: Requests added in from FBI office buildings all over the country, day after day, hour following hour: If Twitter did not act quickly, questions came: “Was action taken? ” “Any movement? ” pic. twitter. com/KAu2YesocC
— Matt Taibbi, @mtaibbi January a few
If you have been next along so far, please ingest this thread in its whole.