Climate is in Great Shape // (John Hinderaker).
Regular Power Line readers will know that the climate hysteria propagated by politicians and economists is false. This piece by Javier Vinos of Watts Up With That, entitled “Good 2022 Climate News you didn’t know,” does a great job of summarizing the reality that is often obscured.
Vinos claims that there has been mild warming over the past 40 years. However, the rate of warming is slowing down and not accelerating as alarmists predict.
Global warming is slowing down, which is the good news. The 15-year rate was extremely high between the mid-1980s and the late 1990s, at 0.35 degC/decade. The average satellite record data rate is 1.3 degC/century or 0.13 degC/decade. However, the long-term trend has declined from 1.6 degC/century down to 1 degC/century. This is due to the current cooling period.
The “current cooling” refers to the fact the mean global temperature has dropped over the past seven years.
Vinos points out, like we have many times before, that claims of more severe weather are simply false.
He also raises a point that I don’t think is often raised enough:
[I]n warmer worlds, the temperature gradient between equator & poles is smaller, which reduces the amount of energy being transported and intensifies atmospheric circulation. Therefore, we shouldn’t expect warming to increase extreme events as much as we shouldn’t expect global precipitation to decrease.
The most important thing is that alarmists’ models are incorrect. All the doom predictions we see are not based on observations-the actual climate facts are positive-but on models. We know that the models are incorrect. A bad model is one that can be refuted by observation. Period. It cannot be used as a basis for public policies:
These models, despite their costing a fortune, are ineffective. The 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, CMIP5, was already projecting more warming than what has been observed for the period 2006-2022. The dismay of climatologists (Voosen 222), the changes in the CMIP6 model projections cause more warming. Therefore, they decided to average only the coolest models, rather than averaging all models like was done in CMIP5. Figure 4 shows that the difference between models and reality is becoming more severe with each year.
This is the key chart.
We should be proud of the fact that 2022 was another great year for the Earth’s weather.