A black college graduate caused quite a stir during her graduation ceremony in the video that has gone viral by violently snatching the microphone out of an administrator’s hands because she didn’t” get her moment.”
A recent college graduate named Kadia Iman was seen yanking the microphone apart from a school official and angrily telling the audience that she had not been given the opportunity to say her whole name.
” I need the microphone!” Let go! Let go! shouted Iman. ” You didn’t let me have my chance!”
She continued by adding,” I am graduating today ,” after saying her full name.
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The entitled graduate slammed the microphone to the ground and walked away, saying,” I don’t like how you grabbed the mic out of my hand, so today is going to be all about me.”
She appeared unaware that by making the day” all about her ,” she was removing the special moment for all the other graduates who put in just as much effort to earn their degrees as she did.
Iman was criticized as” the most useless and uninspiring person you’ll ever encounter” by Conservative commentator Matt Walsh, who also posted a video of the incident on Twitter.
Walsh remarked,” It’s generally the dullest, blandest nobodies who think they’re the major characters.”
The most useless and uninspiring person you’ll ever meet declares,” Today is all about me.” The dullest, blandest nobodies are usually the ones who believe they are the principal characters.
pic. www.twitter.com / nlFUmBEFMp
— Matt Walsh on June 22, 2023 (@ MattWalshBlog )
Iman posted a video on TikTok explaining her side of the story following this mishap.
Iman remarked,” I was moving forward, and before we entered the stage, we had to announce our names. My name is lengthy, clearly, and I have about three syllables in it, so I didn’t even get to finish saying it.” So, I was saying my name and she ] the school official ] literally.
Iman continued by saying that the graduates who came before her listed their names, majors, and” extras” before moving on, but that she was quickly removing the mic from some black students.
She continued,” I just couldn’t let that happen because I just felt like I worked so hard and endured so much hardship to graduate that I had to reclaim my moment.”
There were many better ways to handle the situation than to aggressively wrestle the administrator for the microphone and make a childish scene, even though the graduate deserved to say her name like all the other graduates did.
Because She Didn’t” Get Her Moment ,” Black College Grad Goes Viral After Public Scuffle With College Official During Graduation.
A black college graduate caused quite a stir during her graduation ceremony in the video that has gone viral by violently snatching the microphone out of an administrator’s hands because she didn’t” get her moment.”
A recent college graduate named Kadia Iman was seen yanking the microphone apart from a school official and angrily telling the audience that she had not been given the opportunity to say her whole name.
” I need the microphone!” Let go! Let go! shouted Iman. ” You didn’t let me have my chance!”
She continued by adding,” I am graduating today ,” after saying her full name.
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The entitled graduate slammed the microphone to the ground and walked away, saying,” I don’t like how you grabbed the mic out of my hand, so today is going to be all about me.”
She appeared unaware that by making the day” all about her ,” she was removing the special moment for all the other graduates who put in just as much effort to earn their degrees as she did.
Iman was criticized as” the most useless and uninspiring person you’ll ever encounter” by Conservative commentator Matt Walsh, who also posted a video of the incident on Twitter.
Walsh remarked,” It’s generally the dullest, blandest nobodies who think they’re the major characters.”
The most useless and uninspiring person you’ll ever meet declares,” Today is all about me.” The dullest, blandest nobodies are usually the ones who believe they are the principal characters.
pic. www.twitter.com / nlFUmBEFMp
— Matt Walsh on June 22, 2023 (@ MattWalshBlog )
Iman posted a video on TikTok explaining her side of the story following this mishap.
Iman remarked,” I was moving forward, and before we entered the stage, we had to announce our names. My name is lengthy, clearly, and I have about three syllables in it, so I didn’t even get to finish saying it.” So, I was saying my name and she ] the school official ] literally.
Iman continued by saying that the graduates who came before her listed their names, majors, and” extras” before moving on, but that she was quickly removing the mic from some black students.
She continued,” I just couldn’t let that happen because I just felt like I worked so hard and endured so much hardship to graduate that I had to reclaim my moment.”
There were many better ways to handle the situation than to aggressively wrestle the administrator for the microphone and make a childish scene, even though the graduate deserved to say her name like all the other graduates did.
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