According to Elon Musk, the terms” cis” or” gisgender” will now be regarded as insults on Twitter.
According to Merriam-Webster, the term” cisgender” refers to” relating to” or” being a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex the person had or was identified as having at birth.”
Despite his request not to be called” cis ,” writer and political commentator James Esses posted about it on Twitter on Tuesday.
He remarked,” I received a ton of messages from trans activists calling me” cissy” and telling me that I am”‘ Cis’ whether or not I like it, yesterday after tweeting that he rejects the word and doesn’t want to be called it. Imagine if the roles were switched around.
In response to this tweet, Musk stated that” repeated, targeted harassment against any account will result in momentary suspensions for the harassing accounts.” ” Cis” or” cisgender” are viewed as insults on this platform.
Repeated, targeted harassment of any account will result in momentary suspensions for the harassing accounts, at the very least.
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On this platform, the words” cis” or” gisgender” are viewed as slurs.
— June 21, 2023, Elon Musk (@ elonmusk )
Esses responded to Musk by saying,” Thank you, Elon, for standing up for reality.”
Following the success of Musk’s tweet, Esses started to face even more hostility from the” loving and accepting” alphabet mafia.
” Today I have been bombarded with death wishes and messages calling me a faggot and cissy ,” he tweeted. All because I dared to challenge a label that was placed on me based on my ideology. These people need to look in the mirror carefully because they are so quick to label someone a” bigot.”
I’ve been inundated with death wishes and messages today, calling me a” faggot” and” cissy.”
All because I dared to disagree with the philosophical label that was placed on me.
These people need to look in the mirror carefully because they are so quick to label someone a” bigot.”
— June 21, 2023, James Esses(@ JamesEsses )
Sarah Fields, a Democratic State Delegate from Texas, made an observation about the woke leftists’ absurdity and hypocrisy.
Fields wrote,” This is the same group of people who call themselves the party of love and inclusiveness but wish death on you for” misgendering” them.
J. K. Rowling, the author of” Harry Potter ,” even jumped in and made a comment, tweeting,
Cis is intellectual language that expresses acceptance of the unquestionable idea of gender identity. The rest of us have the right to disagree with you and refuse to use your jargon, but you have a perfectly legitimate claim to believe in unproven essences that may or may not match the gendered body.
Cis is an intellectual term that denotes acceptance of the unquestionable idea of gender identity. The rest of us have the right to disagree with you and refuse to use your jargon, but you have every reason to believe in unproven essences that may or may not match the sexualized body.
J. K. Rowling(@ jk_ rowling) June 21, 2023