A deal has been reached between Democrat Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks and MI Senator Ed McBroom, the same feckless RINO who approved a report claiming there was” no evidence” of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election in Michigan. This agreement is likely to give the third-party Electronic Registration Information Center( ERIC ) more of Michiganders’ private, personally identifiable information. Michigan Fair and Pure Integrity Elections, by Patrice Johnson and Jeff Schaeper
Senate Bill 339 got off to a great start. It promised to give voters the option to monitor the status of their absentee ballots on a website or portable application, despite the onslaught of negative bills. SB 339 was supported by Pure Integrity Michigan Elections, PIME, for its increased voter transparency and the accountability it promised to impose on those in charge of the people’s ballots. The bill then took a dark turn after State Senator Ed McBroom ( R ) and Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks ( D ) met.
McBroom offered to alter the language of the bill. He added a sentence that after cutting out another phrase. What was presented was a bill that jeopardizes the privacy of residents.
Sen. Ruth Johnson, the top Republican on the Senate Elections and Ethics Committee, was not consulted by McBroom before he decided to strike legislation that forbade the state from disclosing residents’ private information. The government’s authority to share voters’ private and personal identifying information ( PII ) with” individuals authorized by the secretary of state to maintain the electronic tracking system” was then expanded, he continued.
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Words matter, and McBroom’s few changes gave Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson the power to distribute voters'” constitutionally protected PII” to whoever she pleased. The very contentious Electronic Registration Information Center, or ERIC, was one of the clear beneficiaries.
The Senate Elections and Ethics Committee wasted no time in adopting the so-called republican language after McBroom introduced his amendment. Substitute Senate Bill 339 was quickly passed through committee on June 7. The bill was introduced to the Senate on the same day and passed by roll call vote with 327 yes votes, 22 no votes and 16 excuses. There was no significant debate or open comment.
The Democrat-controlled House is good to pass Substitute SB 339 as a result of McBroom’s schemes. The bill would then be put into effect by Governor Gretchen Whitmer ( D ).
Any voter who registers to receive notifications of their absentee ballot status will automatically have their phone numbers and email addresses shared with third parties of the political secretary of state’s choosing if SB 339 is passed, thanks to McBroom and Brinks.
There is still more to the PII sharing. The enigmatic Delaware non-profit organization is permitted to share the information of its participants with its unnamed agents, contractors, and subcontractors under the terms of the contract Benson signed with ERIC.
How good is it that ERIC will be able to access the private, identifying data that SB 339 collected? Secretary Benson has emerged as one of ERIC’s most vocal supporters despite the growing controversy surrounding it.
One of Benson’s first actions after taking the oath of office in January 2019 as the newly elected head of elections of the state was to pay$ 25,000 in taxpayer funds to enroll Michigan in the third-party ERIC in order to clean the voter rolls. All three of ERIC’s employees work electronically because there is no actual office there.
Eight member states, including an initial member, have left ERIC’s contentious federal agreement over the past several months. They cited worries that the organization is being politicized and giving biased third parties access to voters’ private information. The ultra-Lean Left Center for Innovation and Research is one well-known next party. David Becker, the founder and chair of CEIR, even founded and presided over ERIC.
Since ERIC’s founding in 2012, better, less expensive, and simpler technologies have become accessible, according to Dirty CEIR founder and chair David BeckerExperts.
Then there is the problem of ERIC’s secrecy. Member states are required by the registration system to get in touch with 95 % of the” eligible but unregistered” voters on a list that ERIC provides to its members. However, ERIC will not reveal the algorithms it employs to create the lists.
Critics even emphasize that ERIC absolves itself of all liability for any voters who are not citizens. They contend that because the embattled system only has 25 members, it lacks data from half the states and is unable to perform the task of verifying out-of-state and record voters as it claims.
Since Michigan joined ERIC and for the first time in the state’s history, there are now more registered voters than residents who are of voting age. Election fraud is easy to pull off on passive and record voter rolls.
Benson has increased her support for ERIC despite these and additional growing criticisms. She keeps sending ERIC the state’s voter roll ( Qualified Voter File ) and Department of Motor Vehicle data. The Secretary will probably include Michigan residents’ phone numbers and email addresses in the PII that her office already sends to ERIC every 60 days if SB 339 is replaced by law.
Sen. McBroom is the Upper Peninsula’s 38th Senate District representative. The Senate Oversight Report, which stated that” the certified and audited results accurately represented the results of the November 2020 General Election in Michigan ,” was written by him and Sen. Lana Theis ( R ). According to his website, he is” a fourth-generation dairy farmer” and holds” bachelor’s degrees in music education and social studies extra education.”
The 29th Senate District of Michigan, which encompasses all of East Grand Rapids as well as Grand rapids Charter Township, is represented by Winnie Brinks. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish with sociology as her area of study.
Contact details:
• You can contact McBroom by email at https :// www.senatoredmcbroom.com / contact / or by phone at 517 – 373 7840.
Calls to Sen. Winnie Brinks can be made at 517-373-1801 or 855-347-8029. Go to https :// senatedems.com / brinks / contact / to email her.
Penelope Tsernoglou ( D ) is the chair of the House Elections Committee. Email at https :// housedems.com / penelope-tsernoglou / contact /, phone:( 517 ) 373 – 2668.
House speaker: Joe Tate( D ), email protected; 517, 373, and 0857.
Michigan Fair and Pure Integrity Elections Chair Patrice Johnson She was the top executive of a Fortune 100 technology company and founded five profitable businesses. The Fall and Rise of Tyler Johnson was written by Patrice in 2017, and the book served as the inspiration for a documentary film that debuted on PBS across the country in 2022. holds an American literature master’s degree.
Jeff Schaeper is a writer for the Michigan Fair Elections and Pure Integrity elections. With a significant engineering firm, he specializes in developing the best business practices and engineering systems excellence.