Between June 2022 and March 2023, there was an unusual increase in” severe myocarditis” in newborns and infants in Wales and England, according to a warning from the World Health Organization( WHO ).
The WHO is looking into this increase in severe myocarditis and found that it is linked to enterovirus infection, which normally doesn’t affect the heart.
The WHO report states that although enterovirus infections are common in newborns and young infants, it is strange for myocarditis to increase and lead to severe outcomes in these animals.
A total of 15 neonates and fresh infants, ages up to 28 days, presented with a picture consistent with newborn sepsis between June 2022 and March 2023, according to the report. Eight cases were treated in intensive care, and one case passed away before being transferred to primary care. The remaining six cases’ additional information is still pending.
Three patients were hospitalized, four were receiving outpatient care, and two had passed away as of April 20, 2023, according to the report. It’s strange to see an increase in severe myocarditis in newborns and young children who have been infected with an enterovirus. Simply one another case of a similar nature has been found in the same hospital over the past six years.
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Although the WHO has deemed the public health risk to be” low ,” it has cautioned that enterovirus infections are frequently asymptomatic and has advised doctors to” test for enterovies in suspected cases.”
The myocarditis surge and its potential connection to the COVID-19 vaccine were the subject of a statement from the UK Health Security Agency( UKHSA ) sent to The Epoch Times. ” Worldwide studies suggest no evidence of any increased risk of myocarditis in infants of mothers who were vaccinated against COVID – 19 in pregnancy ,” the agency claimed, denying any connection between the two.
” UKHSA is investigating the situation in England to see if any similar cases have been observed here and whether there are any factors driving the increase in cases ,” said consultant pediatrician Dr. Shamez Ladhani in an email to The Epoch Times.” Given a higher than average number of cases in the autumn / winter months in very young babies.”