Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s outstanding writings in the newest book by Jamie Glazov, Barack Obama: Real Legacy: How He Transformed America. Biden erroneously asserted that Al Qaeda was not longer active in Afghanistan during a press conference. Al Qaeda wouldn’t be it, I said. It wouldn’t be it, I said. I promised that we would get assistance from the Taliban. What is currently happening? What’s happening? Observe your press. In reality, Al Qaeda runs training camps in six provinces, including Helmand, which during Obama’s surge hundreds of Marines had been killed or wounded attempting to secure. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, lost 34 amputations and lost 25 marines, including the son of former Chief of Staff John Kelly. There were 378 Marines killed and 5,000 wounded. Al Qaeda even maintains healthy havens throughout Afghanistan, including in Kabul. Al Qaeda leaders have been appointed by the Taliban to important positions, including governors of full provinces. The country of Nuristan, where 53 British soldiers repelled hundreds of Jihadis during the assault on Combat Outpost Keating and won two Medals of Honor and nine Silver Stars for the second-deadliest battle of the conflict, is then governed by Al Qaeda. A UN Security Council report revealed that” Al – Qaeda members have received appointments and advisory roles in the Taliban security and administrative structures ,” and that the Islamic terror group” is rebuilding operational capability.” The Taliban, which had previously denied the report, immediately seized on Biden’s denial as an endorsement. It is clear why the Taliban are lying about harboring Al Qaeda, according to the Foreign Affairs Ministry of the group, which asserted that Biden’s denial” refutes the latest report by UN Sanctions Monitoring Team alleging the presence and operation of over twenty armed groups in Afghanistan.” Why is Biden lying, though? Biden’s decision to leave Afghanistan was a complete failure. It appears to be getting worse as Al Qaeda grows. But how much of that catastrophe was actually a mistake? The Biden administration has discovered several ways to give the Jihadists money since the withdrawal. Thousands of Americans were imprisoned behind enemy lines as a result of the Biden administration’s decision to hand over Kabul to Al Qaeda ‘ older allies in the Haqqani Network. Therefore, it paid Osama bin Laden’s former airline millions of dollars to transport Americans from Afghanistan. Afghanistan has received more than$ 1 billion in” humanitarian aid,” and international licenses authorizing transactions with the Taliban and the Haqqani Network, an ally of Al Qaeda, have been issued. Biden took$ 3.5 billion intended for the 9 / 11 victims and put it toward a” trust fund” for Afghanistan instead. The Biden administration also made arrangements to print banknotes for the Taliban last year, and images of pallets containing millions of dollars’ worth of bills being flown into Kabul Airport were displayed. By stonewalling the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s office( SIGAR ) and ordering government employees to” not engage with or speak to SIGAR without prior clearance from State legal counsel ,” the State Department has responded to inquiries about whether its assistance is funding Islamic terrorists. Similar illegal stonewaling has occurred in Congress. Yet under the Obama administration, Gitmo terrorists who were deemed too risky to be released have been freed by Biden while all of this has been happening. A terrorist who had searched Camp Lemonnier, where the Marines are stationed in Djibouti, for a truck bomb attack is among them, along with an alternate 9 / 11 hijacker and Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards. The 20th September 11 hijacker, an Al Qaeda ally who planned to smuggle nuclear weapons into America, and the criminal responsible for the bombing of a Marriott hotel who had suggested” a plot to instantly explode gas tanks at multiple gas stations in the United States” were likewise set free. The Biden administration perhaps made an effort to spare Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind behind 9-11, from the death penalty. And the Biden administration is being lenient with more people than simply the terrorists from Al Qaeda in Gitmo. Additionally, the administration is restricting drone strike regulations so that the military will need to obtain” advance permission” from Biden before attacking Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists outside of” conventional war zones” and have” near certainty” that no civilians will be hurt. Just when it seems impossible to send on a commando team to apprehend the terrorist so that he can be tried and then released will drone strikes on terrorists be permitted. These are comparable to the fatal regulations that the Clinton administration implemented to prevent the CIA from removing Osama bin Laden. The CIA was never permitted to carry out any activity that would result in Bin Laden’s death under Clinton rules. The CIA Station Chief in Islamabad, Pakistan, warned agents that if they were successful in eliminating the criminal leader, they might face jail time after a” Justice Department ruling that it would be improper for the United States to deliberately kill bin Laden.” The Trump administration had relaxed the regulations governing drone strikes, allowing for the execution of terrorists without the need for them to be classified as an” immediate threat.” The Obama era’s difficult engagement regulations were relaxed, and the decision-making process made it feasible to act quickly. Terrorists are less concerned now that the Biden administration has restored the status quo because they are aware of our rules, restrictions, and strategies for avoiding attacks. Biden as a whole has been Al Qaeda’s best development. a lot more than Obama Once more, Al Qaeda has a sizable infrastructure in Afghanistan, and its terrorists are fleeing Gitmo while being shielded from satellite attacks. Afghanistan’s coffers are likely to be stocked with a sizable influx of international aid as well as international licenses for conducting business with the terrorist organization. Additionally, Biden is a supporter of the Taliban’s deception that Al Qaeda is not present in Afghanistan. Biden asserts that the Taliban are assisting America in combating Al Qaeda even though they are still closely allied, despite the fact that they do not exist in Afghanistan. These, however, are not actually fresh lies. Biden has made the untrue claim that Al Qaeda has been eliminated for a long time. Al Qaeda continues to expand yet as he keeps repeating these lies. Biden gave Al Qaeda control of Afghanistan rather than simply giving it to the Taliban. Additionally, he is giving money and terrorists from Al Qaeda to the criminal infrastructure to aid in its reconstruction. This is treason, not a policy.
[Editor’s Note: Be sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book, Barack Obama’s Tru Legacy: How he Transformed America. During a press conference Biden claimed falsely that Al Qaeda no longer operated in Afghanistan. “I said al Qaeda wouldn’t be there. I said it wouldn’t be there. I said that we would get help from the Taliban. What’s going on? What’s happening? What’s going on? I was right. “In reality, Al Qaeda operates training camps in six Provinces, including Helmand. Hundreds of Marines were killed and injured trying to secure Helmand during Obama’s surge. The 3rd Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment suffered 34 amputations and lost 25 marines including the son of John Kelly, former Chief of Staff. Al Qaeda has also established safe houses in Afghanistan, including Kabul. The Taliban have appointed Al Qaeda leaders into key positions, including governors of provinces. Nuristan is now under Al Qaeda control. This is the place where 53 American soldiers fought off hundreds of Jihadis in the assault on Combat Outpost Keating. The battle resulted in two Medals of Honor, nine Silver Stars, and the awarding of the second most deadly battle of The Taliban’s Foreign Affairs Ministry said that Biden’s denial was “a refutation of the recent report by UN Sanctions Monitoring Team claiming the presence and operation over twenty armed group in Afghanistan.” It’s obvious why they lie about harboring Al Qaeda. But why is Biden liar? Biden’s method of withdrawing Afghanistan was a disaster. Al Qaeda’s rise makes it even worse. How much of the disaster was a mistake? Since the withdrawal, Biden’s administration has found many ways to transfer money to Jihadists. The Biden administration decided to hand over Kabul to Al Qaeda’s old allies the Haqqani Network, resulting in thousands Americans being trapped behind enemy line. The Biden administration then spent millions to pay Osama Bin Laden’s former airline to fly Americans from Afghanistan. Biden diverted $3.5 billion intended for 9/11 victims to a trust fund’ for Afghanistan. The State Department responded to questions regarding whether its aid was funding Islamic terrorists, by blocking the Special Inspector General of Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), and ordering government workers to “not engage or speak with SIGAR without prior approval from State legal counsel”. Congress was also illegally stonewalled. Biden, on the other hand, has been releasing Gitmo terrorists that were considered too dangerous for release even under the Obama administration. These include an alternate 9/11 terrorist, Osama Bin Laden’s bodyguards, and a terrorist that had surveyed Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti where the Marines were stationed for a possible truck bomb attack. Also freed was the 20th September 11 terrorist, an The Clinton administration prohibited the CIA from engaging in any activity which would lead to Bin Laden’s death. The CIA station chief in Islamabad, Pakistan was warned by the Justice Department that it would be illegal to kill bin Laden intentionally. The Obama administration rolled back the onerous engagement rules and the decision loop allowed for rapid action. The Biden administration has restored a status quo where terrorists are less worried and know our rules, our restrictions, and how to evade a terrorist attack. Biden is the best thing that ever happened to Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda has a large infrastructure in Afghanistan, and its terrorists have left Gitmo. They are also protected from drone attacks. It is likely that a massive flow of foreign assistance into Afghanistan, along with global licensing for doing business with the terrorist group’s allies, will fill its coffers. And Biden even supports the Taliban cover-up, that Al Qaeda doesn’t exist in Afghanistan. These are not new lies. Biden has been falsely claiming for years that Al Qaeda was destroyed. Biden did not just give Afghanistan to the Taliban; he gave it to Al Qaeda. He’s also giving money and Al Qaeda terrorists to the terrorist infrastructure in order to rebuild it. This is not a policy; this is treason.