Kamala Harris took to the air to declare that” he defined the rainbow” in honor of racial leader Jesse Jackson. Jesse threatened to castrate Obama on live television even though he didn’t define the rainbow. Biden praised the racist in a statement, whose use of an racist slur ended his political campaign. We are all made similar in God’s image and deserve to be treated similarly throughout our lives, according to the promise of America. Because of remarkable leaders like Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr., as Biden falsely claimed, we have not fully fulfilled that promise and have also not completely broken it.
I’ve witnessed how Reverend Jackson has guided our country through turbulence and victory over the course of our decades of friendship and partnership. I’ve seen Jesse Jackson as history will remember him: a man of God and the people, determined, proper, and frightened of the work to redeem the soul of our nation. Or, to put it more exactly, he stood with bigots like Louis Farrakhan. The nasty reverend from Discover the Networks is highlighted in the following ways. who was a habitual liar as well. Jackson asserted that he was with King on the Memphis balcony right after King was shot and that, as King took his last breaths, Jackson held the dying legal rights activist in his arms. Jackson was genuinely conversing with some musicians in a nearby parking lot at the time King was shot.
Jackson flew to Chicago the following morning to appear as a guest on the NBC Today Show. Jackson had now hired a public relations agent to travel with him as he was driven from interview to interview in the several hours that had passed between the King’s assassination and his flight to the Windy City. Jackson wore a shirt that he claimed was stained with the blood of the dying Dr. King in front of an audience watching the Today Show on national television. Jackson lied, saying,” He died in my arms.”
Angela Parker, a dark reporter for the Chicago Tribune, learned that Jackson had stolen money from Operation Breadbasket in the wake of King’s murder.
Jackson made the decision to leave SCLC at that point and found his personal company, Operation PUSH( an acronym for” People United to Serve Humanity”) That’s the” rayon” Kamala was praising. It was made to hide Jackson’s theft. In order to stop Jackson from publicly criticizing Coca-Cola for operating in apartheid-era South Africa, the company was persuaded to grant Noah Robinson, Jackson’s half-brother, a profitable syrup distributorship in 1981.
Jackson attempted to stop a merger between CBS and Viacom in 1998, claiming that it was” opposed to fundamental democratic values.” Nevertheless, he made it clear that if Viacom sold its UPN network to one of his longtime friends, Chester Davenport or Percy Sutton, his opposition would end. Early in 1999, CBS and Viacom made a commitment to donate$ 1 million to Jackson’s Citizenship Education Fund ( CEF ), which caused Jackson to lose interest in the merger.
Jackson threatened to halt a merger between GTE and Bell Atlantic in December 1998 unless both parties pledged to hire and contract with minority groups. Chester Davenport received a 7 % stake in GTE and Bell’s new cellular business over the course of the following four months in addition to their$ 1.5 million pledge to CEF. Jackson approved the merger in May 1999, which led to the creation of Verizon. A dishonest, crooked racist, Jesse Jackson. Therefore, it is understandable why Biden, like Fidel Castro, adores him. Jackson traveled to Communist Cuba in 1984 with a 300-person entourage, which included Jeremiah Wright, to see Fidel Castro. Jackson shouted to the greeters when he arrived at the airport in Havana,” Long live Fidel Castro!” Che Guevara, much live! Patrice Lumumba, longer live! Jackson once more led supporters in chanting the exact slogans in Spanish at the University of Havana:” Viva Fidel!” Che Guevara, live!
Jackson was subsequently referred to by Castro as” the most fair, brave politician I have always met.” Castro continued,” He has a great personality, is beautiful, talented, and able to communicate with people. He is also very persuading, dependable. and fair. Jackson’s primary quality is honesty, or” sure.” Ask Coca-Cola and MLK’s corpse if you have any doubts about that. or his child, a bastard. During the 1998 Monica Lewinski scandal, Jackson was appointed as one of President Clinton’s religious advisors. Karin Stanford, Jackson’s still-secret mistress, was giving birth to the couple around the same time. He accurately described the rainbow. but many hues. They are most harmful. That is the proper way to recall him.
Kamala Harris flew to honor racist leader Jesse Jackson, claiming that he “defined the rainbow!” Jesse did not define the rainbow but he threatened to castrate Obama live on television. Biden released a statement praising racist Jesse Jackson, whose presidential campaign had been sabotaged by his antisemitic slur. “The promise of America” is that we all are created equal in God’s image and deserve to receive treatment equally throughout our lives. Biden falsely claimed that while we haven’t lived up to the promise, we haven’t walked away from this promise because of leaders like Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr.
“Throughout our decades-long friendship and partnership, Reverend Jackson helped lead our country forward through tumultuous and triumphant times. I’ve seen Reverend Jackson as history will remember: a man who is a man for God and the people, who is determined, strategic and unafraid to work for the redemption of the soul of our country. Discover the Networks has some highlights on the hateful reverend. Jackson was a compulsive lie-teller. He claimed to have been on the Memphis balcony when King was shot and to have cradled him in his arms while he took his last breaths. Jackson was actually talking to a group musicians in a parking lot near the Memphis balcony when King was shot.
The next day, Jackson flew from New York to Chicago for a guest appearance at the NBC Today Show. Jackson had hired a public relations agent to accompany him in a chauffeured car from interview to interview during the few hours between the King murder and his flight to Chicago. Jackson wore a shirt he claimed had been smeared by the blood of Dr. King before a national audience on The Today Show. Jackson lied, saying “He died in his arms.”
Angela Parker, a black Chicago Tribune reporter, discovered that Jackson had embezzled funds from Operation Breadbasket in the aftermath King’s death.
It was created to cover up Jackson’s embezzlement. In 1981 Coca-Cola awarded a lucrative syrup distributorship to Jackson’s half-brother, Noah Robinson, in order to prevent Jackson from publicly shaming the company for conducting business in apartheid-era South Africa. It was created as a cover-up for Jackson’s embezzlement. In 1981, Coca-Cola awarded a lucrative syrup distribution contract to Jackson’s half-brother Noah Robinson in order to stop Jackson from publicly shaming them for doing business in apartheid-era South Africa.
Jackson attempted to block the merger of CBS and Viacom in 1998, claiming that it was “antithetical” to democratic values. However, he made it clear that his opposition to the merger would cease if Viacom sold its UPN network either to Chester Davenport, or Percy Sutton, two of his close friends. Early in 1999, CBS and Viacom promised to donate $1 million to Jackson’s Citizenship Education Fund. Jackson’s opposition to the merger then dissipated.
Jackson threatened in December 1998 to block the merger of GTE and Bell Atlantic unless both parties provided guarantees about their commitment to hiring and contracting minorities. GTE and Bell pledged to CEF $1.5 million over the next four months and gave Chester Davenport an 7% stake in their new cellular business. Jackson approved the merger in May 1999 which led to the formation of Verizon. Jesse Jackson was a racist who lied and corrupted. Biden, just like Fidel, loves Jackson. In 1984, Jackson led a 300-person group (including Jeremiah Wright), to Communist Cuba to meet Fidel. Jackson shouted to the crowd of welcomers at the Havana Airport: “Long Live Fidel Castro!” Long live Che Guevara. Long live Patrice Lumumba! At the University of Havana Jackson raised his clenched hand in the air, and led supporters to chant the same slogans in Spanish: “Viva Fidel!” Viva Che Guevara!
Castro described Jackson as the “most honest, courageous politician” he had ever met. He added: “He has a great personality. He is a brilliant, talented man who can communicate with people. He is also very reliable, honest and persuasive.” Jackson’s main quality is honesty.”Sure. You can ask Coca Cola or MLK’s body if you are in doubt. Jackson became one of Clinton’s spiritual advisors during the Monica Lewinski affair of 1998. Jackson’s still-hidden mistress Karin Stanford was also pregnant with the couple’s baby at the same time. He truly defined the rainbow. So many colors. All of them toxic. This is the best way to remember him.