Let’s legalize drugs if I want to win the war on drugs. Let’s even put an end to murder by legalizing it. the border invasion by a large number of migrants? That is simple. Only make the invaders legal. That is Biden’s strategy. And the media presents this truthfully. Using a 1950s law to launch the largest expansion of legal immigration in contemporary U.S. history, the Biden administration has welcomed over 500,000 migrants under programs intended to reduce improper border entries or provide refuge for refugees. Exciting! Ultimately, by allowing the invaders to enter legitimately, we can reduce unlawful border entries. Domestic government statistics, court records, and public reports show that the administration has permitted at least 541,000 migrants to enter the United States in less than two years through the immigration parole authority, which gives provincial officials the authority to approve the entry of foreigners without visas.
By providing would-be migrants with a legal and safe alternative to traveling to the U.S. with the aid of smugglers and entering the country illegally, officials have been able to divert migration apart from the southwestern border. Instead of trying to stop them from invading America unlawfully by using the parole authority, Biden has given them permission to do so legally. When Biden can simply give them permission to invade us lawfully and carefully, we don’t want invaders to go through the trouble of doing so. The immigration parole programs developed by the Biden administration when combined represent the largest expansion of constitutional immigration in three decades. Democratic opponents are shocked by the administration’s unilateral action without Congress’ express approval, which has prevented legitimate immigration from increasing since 1990 in the midst of decades of political strife. Who cares about the Congress or the laws? Presidents should be free to act in a communist or liberal manner, but not with any authority. That’s really straightforward, isn’t it? It is anticipated that the number of immigrants granted parole into the United States will rise even further. Good news! The program, which is powered by the CBP One app, already enables up to 529,250 migrants to be processed annually. Improper crossings are reduced because they are now permitted. For instance, officials have attributed a sharp decline in unlawful crossings along the southern border in recent weeks to the CBP One app and program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan citizens, as well as stricter asylum regulations. Additionally, fewer people will break into banks’ entrance doors if you make a large hole in their walls. Older DHS officials stated that if immigrants have not obtained permanent status by applying for programs like asylum or visas for American relatives, they should leave the country once their parole has expired.
One official said,” If they, at the end of the two years, have certainly found a legal pathway in the U. S., our expectation is that we will be seeking to remove those individuals.” similar to the millions of undocumented immigrants who are now present in the US. Is there anyone on the planet who is so naive as to accept this lie? The Biden administration still has unchecked power to seize and use it to further radical communist objectives. The destruction of America is the result of all of those objectives, including the border invasion.
I have a plan for winning the drug war. Let’s legalize all drugs. Let’s also end murder by legalizing it. The mass migrant invasion? That’s easy. Just legalize them. This is Biden’s plan. And the media reports it with a straight faced. The Biden administration has welcomed more than half a million migrants through programs designed to reduce border crossings illegally or to offer refuge to refugees. They have used a law from the 1950s to launch the biggest expansion of legal immigration ever in the modern history of the United States. We can finally reduce illegal border crossings by allowing invaders to enter legally.
Biden, instead of trying to stop them invading America unlawfully, has authorized them to do so legally. We don’t need invaders to risk their lives and invade us illegally when Biden could just authorize them to do so legally and safely. To the surprise of Republican critics of the administration, it did so unilaterally and without the explicit consent of Congress. Congress has not increased legal immigration levels in decades due to partisan gridlock. The president should be able to do whatever they want on the left, but not anything conservative. It’s really that simple. The number of migrants who are paroled to enter the U.S. will continue to rise. The CBP One app allows for up to 529.250 migrants to be processed every year. Good news. Illegal crossings have dropped… because they are now legal. Officials have credited CBP One and the program for Cubans (and other nationalities) as well as stricter rules on asylum for a dramatic decline in illegal border crossings in recent weeks.
Like the millions of illegal aliens in the United States. Is there anyone on earth stupid enough to believe such a lie? The Biden administration continues illegally to seize and use unlimited authority to implement radical, leftist goals. All of these goals, including the border invasion, add to the destruction America.