Multiple protestors have been arrested after disrupting the Moms For Liberty summit. The group has taken action to protect children against sexualized content being quietly distributed in schools.
The website of Moms for Liberty describes the group as defending parental right. Their mission statement reads:
“Moms for Liberty is dedicated to fighting to save America by uniting, educating and empowering parents to protect their parental rights in all levels of government.”
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Parents should be able to make decisions regarding their children’s education. The grassroots group began with two moms, and now has 120 thousand members across 45 states. The group’s mission resonates with parents across the nation, especially in light of the public schools’ inclusion of both sexualized curriculum and critical race theory in addition to sexually inappropriate material in their libraries.
Five protestors have been arrested for blocking traffic in front of an event in downtown Philadelphia. Another was arrested while dancing around and waving a Pride flag.
A transgender is beaten by a police officer while obnoxiously holding a Pride flag during the Moms for Liberty event held in Philadelphia. This is what team sanity, common sense and common sense did in 2023 to the Pride Movement. Keep the pressure up!
Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11), July 3, 2023
Moms for Liberty has become a force that is not to be underestimated. After their conference, left-leaning news sites such as AP News issued warnings after Tiffany Justice, the group’s founder, said that the group planned to get involved in the school board races throughout the country. Justice strategized over the weekend on using political action groups to engage in upcoming races for school boards nationwide. She will also “start endorsing elected superintendents and state board members.”
Moms for Liberty is confident that they will gain ground, despite protests from groups such as the “Young Communist League” and the “National Parents Union”. One Moms chapter tweets, “We are at the right side of History.” Join the fight!
Why did the Young Communist League protest us if we are communists?
The opposition knows that they are losing. Refuse to participate in their fight sessions. Refuse.
We are on the right-side of history. Join the fight!
Moms for Liberty Kitsap Co. WA July 3, 2023
Southern Poverty Law Center has attempted to discredit the group by placing it on a list of “extremist” groups. Southern Poverty Law Center is trying to discredit this group by listing it as an “extremist group”. Senator Marco Rubio has called the decision to label them extremists, “incredibly inaccurate.”
Joy Reid, the host of Moms for Liberty on Fox News, criticized Moms For Liberty. This shows how out-of-step she is with mainstream America. Moms will protect their children from groomers and stand up for them. The Moms group is vocal about its desire to prevent schools from teaching or providing graphic sexual material. Reid, a leftist, apparently thinks that it’s fine to sexualize children. She mocked them for pursuing sexually explicit books in libraries, saying that they were winning in red states. The Moms for Liberty want to spread the message that children should be educated, not indoctrinated.
They hate Moms for Liberty. Why? They can’t control Mothers for Liberty. They hate and destroy anything they can’t control. Moms will stop the revolution to protect their children. They know it too.
James Lindsay, America’s top mom (@ConceptualJames), July 3, 2023
Citizen Free Press obtained video footage of hotel staff applauding the group after the conference for their professionalism despite the protests. “Normal Americans are in favor of decency.”
Amazing footage from the Moms for Liberty Conference.
Marriott staff gathered to applaud these women for their behavior over the weekend.
Protesters are free to scream all they want. Normal Americans are on the side of
— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) July 2, 2023