Adm. Gilday’s replacement by anyone the Biden administration chose would be worse, it was generally agreed. That’s a really steep hill to climb, especially in light of how awful Gilday was. Admiral Michael Gilday, the chief of naval operations, declared his desire to overhaul the Navy. One Team, One Navy was the title of the video where he made his remarks, but it conveyed the controversial message that just” conversations” about race would be helpful because the Navy is racist.
Gilday” shared” videos of sailors expressing their outrage at America’s racial prejudice. According to an aviation technician,” Being African – American in America is no fun.”
Systemic racism and” implicit bias ,” according to a lieutenant commander, had occurred to him. When we realize that black lives matter, a white corpsman urged us to” stand up for change” and declared that” tomorrow’s Navy will finally stand on the right side of history.”
A female musician admitted,” I have become extremely aware of my privilege as a light person.” She then argued that” this nation has a history of widespread racism” and demanded the establishment of” a nation that is more equitable and only.”
Gilday vowed to end” widespread racism” with a new task force at the end of the video.
Task Force One Navy was led by Rear Admiral Alvin Holsey, one of the few dark admirals, and in its report, standard naval tradition was replaced with a fight against” racial, sexism, enablement and another structural and social biases.” Members of the TTF1N vowed to support” all lived experiences and integrative identities of every Sailor.”
It was explained to officers that it was their responsibility to” advocate for change.” Here is Adm. Lisa Franchetti, who Biden selected to serve as the following chief of naval operations at a DEI event. The second annual CNAF Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion ( DEI ) Summit was held in Coronado, California, from November 1 to 2, 2022, under the direction of Commander, Naval Air Forces.
We are reaffirming, according to Franchetti, that every member of the Naval Aviation community has a duty to promote equality, accept and support diversity, and work to make our teams more diverse. ” Our force is a reflection of America, and our country’s rich fabric and talent give us the edge we need to win wars.” Franchetti wasn’t even the suggested choice; instead, Biden chose another” historic” pick over someone capable of facing China. Today’s theme of ally-ship is a key enabler for building diverse teams. Who needs to defeat China when we can concentrate on creating” inclusive teams” to give them a” warfighting advantage”? For a president who has prioritized diversity since the start of his administration, nominating the second female member of the Joint Chiefs is an ancient move. At the Pentagon alone, Biden has proposed the first Black Defense secretary( Austin ), Katherine Hicks( female deputy defense secretary ), and Air Force Gen. C. Q. ( Black officer to command a military service). Brown. This group will be able to claim that it’s because they’re a bunch of racists, at least if we lose to China. That’s how they explain everything, isn’t it?
And considering how bad Gilday was, that’s a real hill to climb. It’s a big hill to climb, especially considering how bad Gilday had been. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday said he wanted to make changes to the Navy. The video of Gilday’s remarks had the title “One Team, One Navy”, but its divisive message stated that the Navy is racist and only “conversations about race” would help.
Gilday “shared”, videos of sailors claiming that America is racist and they are angry. An aviation technician said that being African-American in America was not fun.
A lieutenant-commander claimed to have experienced “systemic bias” and “implicit racism”. A white corpsman declared that “we can stand for change” and that, “tomorrow’s Navy will finally be on the right side when we realize that Black lives matter”.
A female musician confessed, “I am very aware of my privileges as a white person.” She then claimed that “this nation has a long history of systemic racist” and called for a “country more equitable and just.”
Gilday concluded the video by vowing to eliminate “systemic racism” with a task force.
Task Force One Navy was headed by Rear Admiral Alvin Holsey. One of the few black admirals in the Navy, Holsey’s report re-evaluated traditional naval traditions to combat “racism sexism ableism” and other structural and personal biases. TF1N members vowed that they would advocate for “all lived experience and intersectional identities” of every Sailor.
The Commander, Naval Air Forces hosted the 2nd Annual CNAF Diversity Equity and Inclusion Summit Nov. 1-2 2022 in Coronado.
“Through this event, we reaffirm that all members of Naval Aviation are responsible for advocating for each other, embracing and supporting differences, and working to create an inclusive atmosphere for each member of our teams,” said Franchetti. The theme of today’s conference, ally-ship, is key to building inclusive teams. The theme of today is allyship, which is key to building inclusive teams. Franchetti was not even recommended as a choice. But Biden chose him over someone who could confront China. Biden nominated the nation’s first Black Defense Secretary (Austin), first female deputy Defense Secretary (Kathleen Hicks), and the first Black officer in a military service to lead (Air Force Gen. C.Q. Brown).At the very least, when we lose against China, this group will be able explain that it was because they are a bunch racists.