
Macron Moves to Shut Down Internet, As Violent Riots and Fires Explode Across France: “Allah Akbar! We are Muslims; if the police kill us, we have the right to kill. It is written in the Koran!” [VIDEO]


After six days of destruction of businesses and stores, France is bracing itself for more unrest. In a shocking move for French citizens, the angry protesters attacked the Paris mayor L’Hay-les-Roses’ home and his young family. A firefighter died while battling an angry crowd that set a vehicle on fire.
R Singh explains what happened in Paris which led to violent riots.
The policeman tried stopping a Muslim criminal boy running away with a car stolen. He started ramming him. The policeman shot the boy, killing him. His mother gathered people to set fire to France.

A Muslim criminal boy was ramming a policeman who tried to stop him. He started ramming back. The boy was killed by a policeman’s bullet.His mother gathered people and set fire to the whole France.#parisriots #FranceHasFallen pic.twitter.com/IalwrTcqcz
R Singh… (@lonewolf_singh), July 3, 2023

Trending: Robert De Niro’s Aspiring actor grandson found dead at 18 in Million Dollar Apartment

Violence is spreading across France. In Marseille, rioters are reported to have broken into a Volkswagon dealership in Marseille and stolen vehicles.

Rioters broke into the Volkswagen dealership in Marseille and stole cars. Listen to them cheering & laughing while looting the cars with no fear of police #FranceRiots #FranceOnFire #Marseille #franceViolence pic.twitter.com/2kzjlief3x
Rosy (@rose_k01), July 3, 2023
Courthouse News reports that the violence may have reached its tipping point, with the large-scale deployment of police and armored cars, hundreds of arrests and growing public anger at what many French perceive as wanton misbehavior, rather than legitimate anger or protest, and Merzouk’s grandmother and her mother calling for calm. Merzouk was laid to rest at a Nanterre mosque on Saturday.
The French broadcaster BFMTV reported his grandmother Nadia as saying, “The people who break things right now, stop it.” She was urging the destruction of public infrastructure such as schools, buses, and other public facilities. “They used Nahel to make an excuse.”
In a statement, Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun stated that attackers used a car as a ram to smash through the gates of the home before setting it on fire and letting it spread to the entire house.
Jeanbrun alleges rioters attacked his wife Melanie Nowak and their children aged 5 and 7 with fireworks rockets as they fled. Melanie Nowak, Jeanbrun’s wife, suffered a broken leg and one of the children was injured. The mayor was away from home to monitor the riots. Authorities have said that they are investigating the attack as a possible attempted murder.
Jeanbrun described it as “a murder of unspeakable cowardice.”
“A line has now been crossed,” said he. “If today, my priority is to take care my family, then my determination to serve and protect the Republic is greater than ever before.”
Here’s an amazing image of how Paris looks right now:

Close your border and start mass deportations. #FranceHasFallen #FranceRiots #Macron #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/VUEYSmPzqP
— 2.0Tauriel @0_tauriel July 3, 2023
These images of Paris on fire are heart-wrenching. Now Video Network reports more than 2,000 vehicles have been destroyed and 350 buildings damaged. They also report that the rioters have weapons, explosives, and Molotov Cocktails.

It’s not a riot. It’s WAR. “They want to KILL US” Police chief in France
More than 350 buildings and more than 2,000 vehicles were damaged.
The extremists are armed with automatic rifles, shotguns, IEDs, explosives, and molotov cocktails.#FranceRiots #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/ekN7jp2SFj
Now Video Network (@NowVideoNetwork) July 3, 2023
Paul Golding, the leader of Britain First, shared a video showing a Muslim man yelling:
‘Allah Akbar! We are Muslims and we have the right kill if the police kills us. It is written in Koran!
“France is no more.” In a few more years, France will be the first Islamic Republic of Europe,” Golding tweeted.

‘Allah Akbar! We are Muslims. If the police kills us, we have the right kill. It is written in Koran! ‘France has fallen. In a few short years, it will be the first Islamic Republic of Europe. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/vhfeFfIZGQ
Paul Golding (@GoldingBF), July 3, 2023
The local French police chief warns the rioters that they are not just rioting. “It’s a war!” he adds, adding, “They wish to kill us!”

Local French police chief ‘They aren’t riots, it’s war …They want to kill us’.#FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/ypcAmFLYOM
Paul Golding (@GoldingBF), July 3, 2023
Golding tweets that globalism is reducing Paris to a flaming Third World cesspit:

Paris, the city that loves. One of the most beautiful, historic, and greatest cities in the world. Globalism has reduced the Third World to a flaming cesspit. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/ySf4XjeBVM
Paul Golding (@GoldingBF), July 3, 2023
The head of the Union of French Entrepreneurs estimates that the losses caused by the riots are over 1 billion Euros, excluding the loss of tourism in one of the world’s most visited places.

The head of the Union of French Entrepreneurs believes that the losses from the riots in the country are estimated at over 1 billion euros, and this “without taking into account losses in tourism”#FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/7rbqzREQUN
Megh Updates ™, (@MeghUpdates), July 3, 2023
The French President Emmanuel Macron has responded to the riots by shutting down the Internet, a move which would make Vladimir Putin very proud.
According to The Last Refuge, France has now pledged to shut down internet communications in an attempt to control organizing via social media. There is a larger picture that must also be considered.
The notice from the Directorate General of the National Police states:
The Ministry of the Interior wishes to inform the public of the extraordinary measures taken to ensure public safety and tranquility following the recent riots. In order to maintain stability and order in the affected areas, we have taken additional measures to prevent violence and disturbance.
Internet access will be restricted in certain neighborhoods at night starting on July 3 for a set period. These restrictions are intended to prevent the misuse and abuse of social media platforms and online platforms to coordinate illegal acts and incite violence.
It is important to remember that these restrictions were not implemented to restrict the freedoms of citizens but to protect their safety and their property. The measures will also not affect critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and emergency services.
We also want to reassure the public that the telephone service, which allows them to contact loved ones or medical teams in case of emergency, will continue to operate normally. Mobile and landline operators will continue to operate their services without interruption, to ensure the availability of essentialcommunications at all times.

The Last Refuge warns you:
You might applaud France for using its control over communication now to target violent brown people; but what will happen when the same EU entities decide that they want to target communication of a completely different type of uprising? This is me, sending warning flares to those who may not care about this “beta test”.
Don’t forget about the recent efforts of the Senate Intelligence Committee with the “Restrict Act”, a total internet and social media control, pushed under the guise of controlling TikTok’s data collection.
I would also like to point out that these French uprisings do not seem to be a coincidence. Elon Musk, Twitter and other social media platforms are limiting users’ ability to interact with them.
Musk claims that changing the user access and restricting it is part of a plan to stop scrapers from searching through Twitter users’ data and creating an AI system of censorship and controls.
That’s nonsense.
Scraping and spider crawling occur on almost every site or platform where public comments are made. Reddit’s and YouTube’s comment systems are examples. Truth Social is a second example.
Google AI has been scraping the content of the entire internet since years. It is absurd to claim that a new AI-based censorship system scraping user data is a valid excuse to shut down engagement with the platform.



After six days of destruction of businesses and stores, France is bracing itself for more unrest. In a shocking move for French citizens, the angry protesters attacked the Paris mayor L’Hay-les-Roses’ home and his young family. A firefighter died while battling an angry crowd that set a vehicle on fire.
R Singh explains what happened in Paris which led to violent riots.
The policeman tried stopping a Muslim criminal boy running away with a car stolen. He started ramming him. The policeman shot the boy, killing him. His mother gathered people to set fire to France.

A Muslim criminal boy was ramming a policeman who tried to stop him. He started ramming back. The boy was killed by a policeman’s bullet.His mother gathered people and set fire to the whole France.#parisriots #FranceHasFallen pic.twitter.com/IalwrTcqcz
R Singh… (@lonewolf_singh), July 3, 2023

Trending: Robert De Niro’s Aspiring actor grandson found dead at 18 in Million Dollar Apartment

Violence is spreading across France. In Marseille, rioters are reported to have broken into a Volkswagon dealership in Marseille and stolen vehicles.

Rioters broke into the Volkswagen dealership in Marseille and stole cars. Listen to them cheering & laughing while looting the cars with no fear of police #FranceRiots #FranceOnFire #Marseille #franceViolence pic.twitter.com/2kzjlief3x
Rosy (@rose_k01), July 3, 2023
Courthouse News reports that the violence may have reached its tipping point, with the large-scale deployment of police and armored cars, hundreds of arrests and growing public anger at what many French perceive as wanton misbehavior, rather than legitimate anger or protest, and Merzouk’s grandmother and her mother calling for calm. Merzouk was laid to rest at a Nanterre mosque on Saturday.
The French broadcaster BFMTV reported his grandmother Nadia as saying, “The people who break things right now, stop it.” She was urging the destruction of public infrastructure such as schools, buses, and other public facilities. “They used Nahel to make an excuse.”
In a statement, Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun stated that attackers used a car as a ram to smash through the gates of the home before setting it on fire and letting it spread to the entire house.
Jeanbrun alleges rioters attacked his wife Melanie Nowak and their children aged 5 and 7 with fireworks rockets as they fled. Melanie Nowak, Jeanbrun’s wife, suffered a broken leg and one of the children was injured. The mayor was away from home to monitor the riots. Authorities have said that they are investigating the attack as a possible attempted murder.
Jeanbrun described it as “a murder of unspeakable cowardice.”
“A line has now been crossed,” said he. “If today, my priority is to take care my family, then my determination to serve and protect the Republic is greater than ever before.”
Here’s an amazing image of how Paris looks right now:

Close your border and start mass deportations. #FranceHasFallen #FranceRiots #Macron #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/VUEYSmPzqP
— 2.0Tauriel @0_tauriel July 3, 2023
These images of Paris on fire are heart-wrenching. Now Video Network reports more than 2,000 vehicles have been destroyed and 350 buildings damaged. They also report that the rioters have weapons, explosives, and Molotov Cocktails.

It’s not a riot. It’s WAR. “They want to KILL US” Police chief in France
More than 350 buildings and more than 2,000 vehicles were damaged.
The extremists are armed with automatic rifles, shotguns, IEDs, explosives, and molotov cocktails.#FranceRiots #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/ekN7jp2SFj
Now Video Network (@NowVideoNetwork) July 3, 2023
Paul Golding, the leader of Britain First, shared a video showing a Muslim man yelling:
‘Allah Akbar! We are Muslims and we have the right kill if the police kills us. It is written in Koran!
“France is no more.” In a few more years, France will be the first Islamic Republic of Europe,” Golding tweeted.

‘Allah Akbar! We are Muslims. If the police kills us, we have the right kill. It is written in Koran! ‘France has fallen. In a few short years, it will be the first Islamic Republic of Europe. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/vhfeFfIZGQ
Paul Golding (@GoldingBF), July 3, 2023
The local French police chief warns the rioters that they are not just rioting. “It’s a war!” he adds, adding, “They wish to kill us!”

Local French police chief ‘They aren’t riots, it’s war …They want to kill us’.#FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/ypcAmFLYOM
Paul Golding (@GoldingBF), July 3, 2023
Golding tweets that globalism is reducing Paris to a flaming Third World cesspit:

Paris, the city that loves. One of the most beautiful, historic, and greatest cities in the world. Globalism has reduced the Third World to a flaming cesspit. #FranceRiots #FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/ySf4XjeBVM
Paul Golding (@GoldingBF), July 3, 2023
The head of the Union of French Entrepreneurs estimates that the losses caused by the riots are over 1 billion Euros, excluding the loss of tourism in one of the world’s most visited places.

The head of the Union of French Entrepreneurs believes that the losses from the riots in the country are estimated at over 1 billion euros, and this “without taking into account losses in tourism”#FranceHasFallen #FranceOnFire pic.twitter.com/7rbqzREQUN
Megh Updates ™, (@MeghUpdates), July 3, 2023
The French President Emmanuel Macron has responded to the riots by shutting down the Internet, a move which would make Vladimir Putin very proud.
According to The Last Refuge, France has now pledged to shut down internet communications in an attempt to control organizing via social media. There is a larger picture that must also be considered.
The notice from the Directorate General of the National Police states:
The Ministry of the Interior wishes to inform the public of the extraordinary measures taken to ensure public safety and tranquility following the recent riots. In order to maintain stability and order in the affected areas, we have taken additional measures to prevent violence and disturbance.
Internet access will be restricted in certain neighborhoods at night starting on July 3 for a set period. These restrictions are intended to prevent the misuse and abuse of social media platforms and online platforms to coordinate illegal acts and incite violence.
It is important to remember that these restrictions were not implemented to restrict the freedoms of citizens but to protect their safety and their property. The measures will also not affect critical infrastructure, such as hospitals and emergency services.
We also want to reassure the public that the telephone service, which allows them to contact loved ones or medical teams in case of emergency, will continue to operate normally. Mobile and landline operators will continue to operate their services without interruption, to ensure the availability of essentialcommunications at all times.

The Last Refuge warns you:
You might applaud France for using its control over communication now to target violent brown people; but what will happen when the same EU entities decide that they want to target communication of a completely different type of uprising? This is me, sending warning flares to those who may not care about this “beta test”.
Don’t forget about the recent efforts of the Senate Intelligence Committee with the “Restrict Act”, a total internet and social media control, pushed under the guise of controlling TikTok’s data collection.
I would also like to point out that these French uprisings do not seem to be a coincidence. Elon Musk, Twitter and other social media platforms are limiting users’ ability to interact with them.
Musk claims that changing the user access and restricting it is part of a plan to stop scrapers from searching through Twitter users’ data and creating an AI system of censorship and controls.
That’s nonsense.
Scraping and spider crawling occur on almost every site or platform where public comments are made. Reddit’s and YouTube’s comment systems are examples. Truth Social is a second example.
Google AI has been scraping the content of the entire internet since years. It is absurd to claim that a new AI-based censorship system scraping user data is a valid excuse to shut down engagement with the platform.


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