Michelle Obama expressed her “heartbreak” at the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Affirmative action.
The justices voted 6 to 3 to eliminate affirmative actions, making it illegal for colleges to use race as a factor in deciding which applicants to accept. The high court ruled affirmative action is a violation to the 14th Amendment.
Michelle Obama released a statement in response to the ruling. She said, “I wanted share some of my thought on today’s Supreme Court Decision on affirmative Action.” She asked if people believed she was accepted into college because of affirmative actions instead of merit. Michelle’s experience with insecurity may have caused her to reconsider Affirmative Action. She said that Affirmative action hung over her as a shadow and made her wonder if anyone believed she earned a spot at college.
“I was one of only a few Black students in my college and I was proud to be accepted into a prestigious school. I knew I had worked hard for it.
“But I still wondered sometimes if people thought that I got to where I am because of affirmative actions. It was a shadow I and other students could not shake, whether these doubts came from the outside or our own minds. But the truth is: I belonged. “And semester after semester, decade by decade, for over half a century, thousands of students like me have shown they belong, too.”
I wanted to share some of my thoughts on today’s Supreme Court decision on affirmative action: pic.twitter.com/Wa6TGafzHV
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— Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) June 29, 2023
Students for Fair Admissions brought the case against affirmative action. Calvin Yang, one of the group members, said that the decision brought equality to all. He continued to say that the ruling is a new beginning for Asian-Americans, “started an entirely new chapter in the history of Asian-Americans here in this country.” It is a promise of a fresh start, a revival of the American Dream. And a return of the egalitarian values for all in this shining city.
Calvin Yang, a student for Fair Admissions and a member of Students for Fair Admissions speaks out after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against affirmative action.
“Today’s decision has started a new chapter in the saga of the history of Asian Americans.” pic.twitter.com/LvTohrm6Km
The Recount (@therecount), June 29, 2023
Michelle concluded her speech by calling for policies that “reflect [her] values of equity and justice.” Affirmative Action is anything but fair, and has put Asian Americans and other races to a disadvantage. It is racist and sends the message that some races aren’t able to compete with their peers on an equal basis, so they should be given a competitive advantage. It is not a deserved advantage, but one based on skin colour. She said that she was saddened to see the justices vote to change things. “So today, I feel for any young person who is wondering what their future will hold — and what opportunities will be available to them.”
Michelle was allegedly writing her statement while on vacation on a private yacht in Greece, while she was prattling on about what it’s like to be oppressed and disadvantaged.
BREAKING: Michelle Obama is currently vacationing in Greece on a massive yacht.
This means the Obamas were rage-tweeting about being “oppressed” & “victimized” after the SCOTUS Affirmative Action ruling from THIS luxury yacht: pic.twitter.com/HOoPcVq4px
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 30, 2023