First Son Hunter Biden received a” sweetheart” plea deal in relation to tax and felony firearms charges, to which he is submitting an guilty plea, and outrage has only grown. As others have noted that the charges don’t address a slew of different accusations against Hunter related to the contents of his laptop, including laundering his father’s influence for beneficial deals with international oligarchs, the majority of voters who were questioned about Hunter Biden and his plea deal agreed that he was given an unfairly light sentence.
Hunter Biden’s plea deal should be” thrown in the trash” in a Wall Street Journal opinion piece, according to actually former prosecutors, including Eileen O’Connor, the former director of the Department of Justice.
Whistleblowers who work for the IRS have even come forth, claiming that they are not allowed to look into crimes that could implicate President Joe Biden.
Claims that the findings of the investigation against Hunter were influenced by social considerations have been refuted by Attorney General Merrick Garland and other top administration officials.
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David C. Weiss, the district attorney for Delaware, claimed to have” best authority” in the situation.
MSN Reports-
Past Department of Justice officials are putting more and more pressure on the Delaware-based federal judge to preside over Hunter Biden’s arraignment later this month to reject his plea deal because the majority of the country claims the president-s son received” sweetheart” treatment.
Rasmussen Reports reported on Wednesday that 55 % of likely U.S. voters disapprove of the deal prosecutors made with the president’s son in a poll that questioned concerns about 53-year-old Biden agreeing to plead guilty to certain tax charges and enter an anti-gun diversion program in order to avoid jail time.
That poll was released only one week after Eileen O’Connor, a previous tax division head of the DOJ, published an article in the Wall Street Journal.
The agreement reached between Biden and U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David C. Weiss” gives credence” to new claims made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, O’Connor wrote, noting that the judge to whom that agreement is presented on July 26″ should consider rejecting it.”
Hunter Biden was given a too light sentence by a majority of voters who were asked about his plea deal. Others have pointed out the fact that the charges do not address a number of other accusations made against him, including the use of his father’s influence to make lucrative deals with foreign businessmen.
Even former prosecutors such as Eileen O’Connor who was the former head of tax division at the Department of Justice, stated in an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal that Hunter Biden’s guilty plea should be ‘thrown out the window’.
Whistleblowers working in the IRS have also come out and said that they were forbidden from looking into crimes that could implicate Joe Biden, President.
Attorney General Merrick G. Garland, along with other top officials of the administration, have denied that the results in the investigation into Hunter were influenced politically.
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David C. Weiss, U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware, said that he held ‘ultimate power’ in this matter.
MSN Reports
Former Department of Justice officials are increasing pressure on the Delaware-based federal court that will preside over Hunter Biden’s arraignment this month to reject his plea agreement, as a majority of Americans believe the president’s child received “sweetheart treatment”.
Rasmussen Reports reported on Wednesday that in a poll which questioned the agreement made by 53-year-old Biden to plead guilty on certain tax charges and to enter a diversionary program on a firearm charge to avoid jail, 55% of likely U.S. Voters disagreed with the deal that prosecutors made with President’s Son.
This poll comes only one week after Eileen O’Connor – former head of DOJ’s Tax Division – wrote an op/ed for the Wall Street Journal.
The agreement between Biden and U.S. attorney for the District of Delaware David C. Weiss, which O’Connor noted “gives credibility” to recent allegations made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley.